Cats and Birds Used as Rockets in the Middle Ages

Limited resources in technology and discoveries in the Middle Ages also led to interesting solutions. Cats and birds were savagely used as explosive rockets during this period.

Another practice of the Middle Ages, which made a name for itself with its strange practices, was related to animals. Cats and birds played an important role in the discovery of a new kind of weapon as early as the 17th century. They were in the role of ‘agent’.

But who could have come up with this murderous idea? Aside from the brutality of this method, which was developed as a kind of defense strategy in wars, it is among historians. a great idea from a military standpoint seen as.

The name behind this twisted plan is Franz Helm.

Specialist in explosives and weapons in the 16th and 17th centuries Franz Helm; Albert V, X. Ludovic and King IV of England. William’s had served in the army. This showed that he showed his talent in the period when swords were gradually replaced by firearms.

Helm’s knowledge and experience, in 1535, contains articles on this subject. “Buch von den probierten Künsten” led to the publication of his book. The book explains in detail how to use cats and birds as “weapons”.

The use of animals as rockets was not customary at that time.

middle ages

Strangely enough, it was not uncommon for animals to act as explosive weapons during the Middle Ages, when we witnessed interesting and often terrifying practices. Although rare especially catsIt was used to burn walls and towns. How Does? Let’s explain now.

The above-mentioned book contains the following statements about the use of animals as rockets: Make a small sack in the shape of a fire arrow. Tie the sack on the cat’s back, ignite it and then release the cat so it runs to the nearest castle or town and fearfully considers hiding, eventually finding itself in the hay or grass in the barn and there it will catch fire.

In fact, the logic is that when the cat catches fire, it runs to set fire to everything and divert the guards’ attention.

rocket animals

Birds are also used in this technique, which sounds really brutal. However, we cannot say that they are used as often as cats because they are more difficult to contain. The concept of using animals as explosives, which began in the Middle Ages, It was also popular in China. Although cats and birds are not used, it is known that bulls were set on fire to burn bridges and other structures.

Even worse, II. In World War II, the Germans used the same for dogs.. The explosives attached to the dogs would detonate when they approached a different defensive location.

However, it should be added that; There is no clear source that animals were used in this way in the Middle Ages, throughout history In the Middle Ages and in modern times If we consider that animals were used in war, we can say that the probability of them being used as rockets is very high.


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