Cardano Makes Expected Announcements: Here’s What Happens

cardano Some important improvements made to the ecosystem were announced by the developers recently. The innovations will encompass both the blockchain itself and the decentralized applications built on top of it.

Cardano Voltaire Update Coming

The first update was the innovation called CIP-1694. CIP can be defined as a Cardano improvement proposal. Founder Charles Hoskinson Developed in collaboration with Cardano, this innovation is an on-chain governance mechanism that will pioneer the transition to Voltaire in Cardano.

The proposal, submitted by developer Jared Cordouan, is currently in the voting process. As explained by Hoskinson, Voltaire is intended to be the latest stage in the development of the Cardano network and set an example for the rest of the industry on how decentralized management is done.

The expected announcements from Cardano have arrived!

Another important innovation is the development of a price index for Cardano native tokens by the dcSpark team. The idea is that the index can be distributed locally and free of charge without the need for an API or third party. To name a specific number, the number of native tokens on Cardano is currently over 7 million.

The index is currently backed by the three largest decentralized exchanges on Cardano: Minswap, WingRiders and SundaeSwap.

He Wants to Leave the Competitors Behind

Cardano remains one of the most actively developed projects in the crypto industry. As reported, Cardano records more daily development activity on GitHub than Polkadot (DOT), Cosmos (ATOM), and Ethereum (ETH).

You can follow the current price action here.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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