Cardano Founder Announces 2022 Goals

Charles Hoskinson, founder of the decentralized cryptocurrency platform Cardano (ADA) and Cardano development foundation IOG, announced his plans for Cardano in 2022.

Hoskinson in his Christmas speech on Youtube Cardano network in 2022 He talked about the goals he wants to achieve in order to grow. Hoskinson in his speech;

for the second half of 2022 my goal, in Cardano end-to-end microfinance will be figuring out how to put all the pieces together to get the process.


Saying that he will create a structure that controls the decentralized products introduced on the network, Cardano founder said, “It is an official system similar to Hyperledger’s Linux. an open source project will be created,” he said.

Hoskinson also said in his speech that the developers Scheduled to be released in 2022 He stated that he is working on “Cardano Improvement Studies”. “Composed of a series of community-led networking efforts”Cardano Improvement Studies” includes readable information for assets published on the Cardano network and creating a native web wallet that interacts with DeFi protocols.

Hoskinson, who thinks that the introduction of a new testnet will be effective in improving the network;

Peer-to-Peer currently on testnetbeing tested by stake pool operators and many developments is happening.


When the testnet is complete, the network validators, partially created by IOG processing block data instead of relying on nodes to communicate directly with each other.

IOG also shared what they started in a blog post it published in December. peer-to-peer (P2P) testnet announced that they had taken another step towards complete decentralization with People have previously said that Cardano’s “completely decentralizedThey had expressed their complaints about not reaching the target.

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