Card Game UNO How to Play?

Board games have become more popular than ever in recent years. One of these games is UNO, which is similar to playing card games. We explained step by step how to play the card game UNO, where you can have a pleasant time with your family and friends, and we talked about the rules you should pay attention to during the game.

Especially with the pandemic, we realized the value of spending a pleasant time at home with our family or friends instead of going out. When we want to chat and have some fun, the best option is board games. UNO is one of the most loved and popular board games. UNO is like playing card games but a little simpler.

To play UNO, just like in other games, you have to follow certain rules. Each player has a certain number of cards to take, order of play, penalties and a unique point system. Although it may seem difficult, you will quickly get used to it after playing a few hands. Card game where you can have a good time with your family and friends We explained how to play UNO step by step and we talked about the rules that you should pay attention to during the game.

First, what is the UNO game?

UNO, like many board games, is a card game that originated in the United States. Similar to playing cards but on There are much simpler colors, numbers and expressions. It has some special cards as well as basic cards. There are also different types of UNO game and online playing applications.

How to play UNO?

  • Step #1: Shuffle the cards and deal 7 cards to each player.
  • Step #2: Leave the remaining UNO cards on the table.
  • Step #3: Open the top card of the deck.
  • Step #4: To start the game, discard a card that matches the middle one.
  • Step #5: If there is no suitable card, choose a card from the middle pile.
  • Step #6: Use special cards.
  • Step #7: The player with only one card left shouts UNO.
  • Step #8: This continues until all of a player’s cards are gone.
  • Step #9: Points are summed up and the highest scorer wins.


Step #1: Shuffle the cards and deal 7 cards to each player:

As in all card games, it is extremely important to shuffle the cards in the UNO game. After the cards are thoroughly shuffled Each player is dealt 7 UNO cards face down by the dealer.

Step #2: Drop the remaining UNO cards on the table:

After 7 cards are dealt to each player, the 108 cards are drawn from the deck. remaining cards face down It is left on the table where everyone can reach and see it.

Step #3: Uncover the top card of the deck:

The top card of the revealed UNO deck is revealed and for all to see is left open on the deck.


Step #4: To start the game, discard a card that matches the middle one:

The player to the left of the dealer makes the first move and the turn goes like this. next player, throws a card suitable in number or color to the middle card. For example, if there is a green 8 in the middle, the player whose turn it is must discard a card with the number 8 or a green color.

Step #5: If there are no suitable cards, choose a card from the middle pile:

The player whose turn it is is expected to roll a card that matches the middle one. If the player does not have a suitable card in their hand draws a card from the middle deck. If the drawn card matches the middle card, he can play immediately. If not, he adds the card to his own deck and the turn continues.

Step #6: Use special cards:

In the UNO game, besides the standard cards, there are also special cards. The player with the wild card, selects the starting color of the next game. The player next to the player with the tie card draws 2 cards. The reverse card changes the direction of the game. Different UNO types have different cards and features.


Step #7: The player with one card left shouts UNO:

As the game continues in this way, the player with only one card left must shout UNO. If the player UNO other does not shout 2 cards can be drawn by giving a penalty. However, this is left to the discretion of the players themselves.

Step #8: Continue until all of a player’s cards are gone:

of UNO game for one hand to complete All cards in the hand of one of the players must be finished. The game continues until the cards in a player’s hand are exhausted.

Step #9: Points are added up and the highest scorer wins:

When one player’s hand runs out and the hand is complete, everyone’s cards are counted. Each card scores as many points as the number on it. Depending on the UNO type, each special card has its own unique score. You can learn this score from the information text that comes out of the game box. A total of 500 or 100 points earns the player.

One of the popular board games What is UNO, how to play UNO We answered the curious questions such as and talked about some of the rules of this fun card game. Although the general gameplay of the game is like this, you should definitely read the information text that comes out of the game box to learn the special cards and special rules.

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