Can Sunscreens Be Turned into Pills?

Protection from the harmful effects of the sun is very important for our health. Although sunscreens are effective in preventing damage caused by UV rays when applied directly to the skin, let’s face it, applying sunscreen every day makes us very tired.

“I wish there was a practical way to do this!” We seem to hear you say. But what if there is?

In recent years, sunscreens taken orally in pill form have been used instead of sunscreens that come into direct contact with the skin. Interest in sunscreens is increasing. Does this really provide protection within the body against sunlight?

The scientific world is looking for new methods rather than traditional methods regarding sun protection.

Antioxidants Protection against sunlight The theory that it can provide has been one of the focal points of this search. Some studies show that antioxidants such as vitamin E may reduce skin damage in hairless mice when exposed to the Sun.

Dermatologist Salvador Gonzalez Rodriguez He examined the substance obtained from a fern called Polypodium leucotomos. According to Rodriguez, this substance can reduce Sun-induced DNA damage in humans because it is rich in antioxidants.

However, we regret to say that oral ‘pill’ preservatives are not as effective as cream.

This sunscreen pills The fact that SPF values ​​are lower than creams also raises questions about how effective these products are in practice.

Of course, this does not mean that we will only be exposed to creams in the future. Today applicability of some compounds to humans And although its effectiveness remains unclear, research on this subject continues.

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