Can Epic Games Terminate Transactions with TL Like Steam?

Steam, the world’s largest gaming platform, announced that it will say goodbye to TL as of November 20. So, can Epic Games, one of Steam’s biggest competitors, do something similar?

Those who went to bed early on the evening of October 24th, will be waiting for the morning of October 25th. SteamFrom 20 November will terminate transactions in Turkish lira He woke up with the news. According to the information received in the first stage, Steam will start using dollars instead of local currency in 25 countries, and one of these countries will be Türkiye will be.

Well, after Steam, other platforms, for example Steam’s biggest rival Epic Games Can he say goodbye to TL? It is not easy to answer this question because parties with different expectations are involved.

Here, primarily Epic Games of strategy You need to be able to predict what will happen. Depending on the agreements it has, the platform may stay in TL for a while and appeal more to players. Especially those who cannot make transactions with foreign currency to keep them on their own platforms They can follow this method. Still, Epic Games’ relationships with developers become important in this case.

The aim of the developers is to make money, no one in Turkey sell games at a loss He won’t want to. In this case, Epic will either choose to absorb the losses for a while or abandon TL like Steam, in order not to lose the publishers. The important issue here is that companies What does he expect from the Turkish market? will be.

In any case, companies have some products for each market. predictions does. Let’s say I have a game, an office management game called WebTekno Office. The point of sale where I will make the most profit is different in each market and subject to regional restrictions. at ideal prices in different markets I can sell products. While the product’s most profitable price in Turkey is 5 dollars, it may be 15 dollars in the USA. These predictions vary according to different scenarios. If it is more advantageous to stay in TL, even for a certain period of time, companies will stay in TL. When we look at the current economic indicators and foreign exchange forecasts, this situation is not very clear. Doesn’t seem likely.


Steam Removed the Turkish Lira: The Last Date We Can Buy Games with TL Has Been Announced!

What about other platforms?


Also on other platforms a dollar-based pricing policy It seems possible that we can see it. This change is more likely to occur, especially in subscription systems where instant money flow is intense and important. The endless price updates we see in these areas also negatively affect the image of companies. When a subscription price increases from 199 lira to 299 lira, people psychologically while blaming the brandThey generally do not have such an attitude towards companies when they have to pay more TL for the same amount of dollars.

Steamseems to have opened a door to the sector with the change it made. It seems that the days will come when we will look for the banks that convert TL to dollars at the lowest price as well as the store where the games are cheapest…

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