Call of Duty Vanguard Campaign Review

The Call of Duty series, one of the two names that come to mind when it comes to military-FPS in the game industry, continues to appear with its new games. The series, which has a history of about 17-18 years, still maintains its popularity today. We are going back to the Second World War with the new game. So how was Call of Duty Vanguard? Here is the Call of Duty Vanguard Singleplayer Campaign mode review.

November 5, 2021 The new game of the series released on Call of Duty VanguardAlthough there were not many positive comments in terms of review scores and user comments, it was called an average Call of Duty game. Vanguard, whose betas were held and released as of November 5, took us back to the Second World War.

The game is out of 100 on Metacritic. 75; If on Opencritic 73 has points. So, what kind of game was Call of Duty Vanguard from our point of view? In this review, we will be answering this question. In the article, you can see small spoilers from the story of the game. Review only singleplayer the one which Campaign includes the mode. I wish you pleasant reading.

Call of Duty Vanguard:

  • Release Date: 5 November 2021
  • Sherry: Call of Duty
  • Developer: Sledgehammer Games
  • publisher: Activision
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Microsoft Windows,
  • Platform under review: Xbox Series S

What does Call of Duty Vanguard tell us?

vanguard story

in review Campaign Since we will focus on the mode, it will be important to start with what kind of story the game offers us. The story of the game is a mixture of fiction and fact, set in the Second World War. 6 persons We are witnessing the story of a special team on the side of the allies coming together from different nationalities. We fight on the fronts against the Nazis and Japan, learn the history of the characters in the team in different missions and learn why they were recruited to the team. We will refer to this part again in the characters section. Story fiction and fact mixed we said. Yes, it is right to say that because we witness real battles in most parts of the game, but we see that the characters and small story fictions are added to this reality. There are fictional stories in reality.

I can say that the story was basically too weak and completely forced. At least it was fun to be able to get into real battles and witness it, but the main story that the game establishes is hollow and only exists because it should be. The backgrounds and motivations of the characters are somewhat better than the overall story. The story of the game in a nutshell not quite enough as.

World War II again?

vanguard second world war

The struggle of the Soviet Union, America, France and other allies with Nazi Germany and Japan seems so familiar, isn’t it? Yes, the game world is really divided on this issue. Although some want this theme to be squeezed out, the other part now wants a solid story mode on the modern theme. I also want to state that I’m really bored with this squeezing job. Military-FPS games have used the World War II theme enough now. We can no longer count how many uses of Call of Duty, but Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty World at War, Call of Duty WW2 and now with Call of Duty Vanguard We are squeezing the juice of WWII.

I think this series should keep up with the modern theme and focus on alternative fiction stories. Perhaps, at the moment, we can say that the most successful trilogy of the Call of Duty series is Modern Warfare. The biggest feature of this trilogy is that it is completely fictional and has a very successful story. His characters are still not forgotten today. That’s why this theme really seems to have tired the players in general now. If you do not have a very special sympathy for the Second World War, you may feel the water being squeezed.

Here are our characters: Vanguard’s Special operations team:

vanguard characters

Call of Duty Vanguard gave us a 6-man main team. 4 people tells his special story throughout the game. These characters Arthur Kingsley, Polina Petrova, Lucas Rigg and Wade Jackson. All the characters have their own unique story. In particular, the fact that all of them have a great contribution to the team thanks to a special task and talent ensures that the player does not get bored in the gameplay part of the game. He can command the team when playing with Arthur, sniping when playing with Polina it shows your skills, you have a lot of fun playing with Lucas. you can switch between different bombs and support your team and lastly when playing with Wade focusing you can see the enemies with your skill, in slow motion you can shoot. Each character complements each other with their different abilities.

Arthur is a trained soldier in the British army and the main leader of the team. Polina fought the Nazis on the Stalingrad fronts and was nicknamed Lady Nightingale a sniper who terrorized them. Lucas is a bomb expert stationed in North Africa. Wade is a successful warlord who participated in a great war against the Japanese at the Battle of Midway. pilot and experienced in using bomber planes. They’re all talented and add value to each other, but there’s not much impressing about bonding as actors. The characters are different, yes, but it doesn’t affect you enough as an actor to bond with them. It would be correct to point out a shortcoming in this regard.

Are the missions good enough?

vanguard missions

If we are talking about the campaign mode, our expectations from the missions should be very high. I would say the missions are totally average. If we start with the number of missions, there are really very few missions in the game. Since it directly affects the length of the game, having so few missions also shortens the length of the game. When we look at the internal structure of the missions, we learn the stories of the characters that we wander between the present and the past, but generally take part in most of the missions in our special team. I can say that I liked that we went to many different fronts in terms of missions. At game stalingrad, Tobruk, El Alamein, Midway, Normandy and many more wars in different regions are told and our characters are personally involved in these wars.

If we look at the diversity, I can say that the diversity is well presented, although it is not at the top level. In particular, the change of regions, characters and facades ensures that each section offers a different atmosphere. It could definitely be a lot more diverse, but I can say that not every mission is exactly the same and it feels special.

Impressive graphics and atmosphere:

vanguard graphics and atmosphere

One of the things I liked about Call of Duty Vanguard was the graphics and atmosphere. I think graphics and atmosphere have a very important place in military-FPS games. Due to the FPS point of view, the graphics must be of high quality in order to make the player feel himself in the game. Vanguard is really graphically Good job took it out. Although I played the game on the Series S console, which may show the game with the lowest graphics compared to other consoles and devices, the graphics were great. The atmosphere was truly amazing. In each mission, you dive into the battle. The atmosphere of war is successfully captured and reflected with bullets passing all around you, exploding mines, the sounds of bombers, the shouts of soldiers and many more.

Cinematic narration:

vanguard cinematic narration

Speaking of graphics and atmosphere, I think it is necessary to compress the cinematic narration. Real cutscenes of the game animation of actorsIt has been arranged by integrating it into the game. although FPS 24 or 30 Even if it falls around, it tastes like a movie or TV series. successful cutscenes and cinematic narration I can say it is. The narration of the game is very fluent and you can have hours of experience without getting up, like watching a movie.

Use of sound and music:

Vanguard’s use of sound and music is really great. The music of the game is composed by an American musician. Bear McCreary and they have been quite successful. From the main menu to the cutscenes of the game, during the missions and on the credits screen, beautiful and atmospheric music has been used. Again, the use of sound is very successful in drawing the player inside by ensuring that the atmosphere is strong. If you wish, you can listen to the main music prepared by Bear McCreary for Call of Duty Vanguard from the player above.

Game performance:

vanguard fidelityfx cas

We come to the part of Vanguard that impressed me the most. The performance of the game is almost perfect, except for minor glitches. The game is Xbox’s next generation console. Xbox Series S I played on it and had a very stable experience, except for very rare minor FPS drops. The game can also work in full harmony if you have a 120 Hz screen. By activating it from the settings, you can have a much more fluid experience.

Other than that, FidelityFX Super Fidelity is not available but AMD on devices using video cards FidelityFX CAS called Contrast Adaptive Sharpening is available in the game. Thanks to this feature, the game has a sharper image and you do not lose FPS while doing this. I played the entire game with my 120 Hz monitor with 120 Hz setting on and FidelityFX CAS active and max. 2-3 times minor FPS drops I lived. The performance and fluency of the game is very good.

Game length: Seems a little short?

vanguard game length

Generally, Call of Duty campaign modes are short, but this Vanguard really gives that brevity feel. howlongtobeat main story length of the game according to data 6 hours. with extras maximum 8 hours shown as. Of course your job Multiplayer mode There is also a side and with this side the game 100-200 hours You can play but we are speaking for Singleplayer side. Actually, the length is the same as an average Call of Duty game, but the story it’s over and you can notice its brevity. I think Vanguard could have given us a longer Singleplayer Campaign mod experience.

Conclusion: An average Call of Duty game:

call of duty vanguard result

As a result, Call of Duty Vanguard, which was released on November 5, 2021 and took us to the Second World War, is an average Call of Duty game. Unfortunately, it cannot go above the average, but it does not go below too much. Despite its shortcomings with the successful parts an enjoyable gaming experience Vanguard will be one of the games that will not attract much attention this year, unfortunately. The price is also in our country. 600 TL around and that’s a pretty high price. But since all games are at this level, I don’t know how logical it would be to consider this as an issue in the review.


  • Successful cinematic narration
  • Next generation gaming performance
  • Impressive graphics and atmosphere
  • Excellent use of music and sound
  • Engaging characters with different stories


  • A fairly short game length
  • Failure of the main story
  • Repeated use of WWII theme
  • Lack of bonding with the characters


We have come to the end of the Call of Duty Vanguard, Singleplayer Campaign mode review. How did you guys find the game and the review? How many points do you give the game? You can share your valuable opinions with us in the comments section.

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