Call from Google to protect open source software!

at the White House after the open source security summit held Google, open source software It called for increased government involvement in identifying and securing projects.

In a blog post published shortly after the summit, Google and Alphabet’s Head of Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer Kent Walker, open source finance and management will need collaboration between government and private sector.

Walker, “We need public-private partnerships to help prioritize and allocate resources, as well as identify critical open source projects for the most fundamental security assessments and improvements.” said.

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Google seeks assurance claim for open source software

The blog post also open source ecosystem called for an increase in public and private investment to keep it safe. The financing and review of such projects is mostly carried out by the private sector.

Google official Walker said:

“Open source software code is public, free for anyone to use, modify or review. It therefore addresses many of the critical infrastructure and national security systems. But there is no formal allocation of resources and few official requirements or standards to secure this critical code. In fact, much of the work done to protect and improve the security of open source, including fixing known vulnerabilities, is on a volunteer basis.”

Vice President of Infrastructure at Google Eric Brewer In his statement he made the following statements:

“Even though it is called a summit, today’s meeting, open source security It was an effective working session to develop concrete, pragmatic solutions to improve Participants broadly agreed on approaches to identify and secure critical projects, and specifically secured these efforts with real investment. It is especially important to give those who maintain open source projects the resources and support they need to ensure they are well maintained and able to fix security vulnerabilities quickly. We applaud the White House for their leadership on this important issue.”

The White House has not yet responded to Google’s call.

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