Call for Collaboration Between Banks and Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Awaited Pilot Project from Kazakhstan

The Kazakhstan government has approved the guidelines for the anticipated pilot project at the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC), which will promote cooperation between banking institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges.

Via the government’s official website 16 June A special working group consisting of representatives of various government institutions, according to the statement made on cryptocurrency exchanges with Rules for interaction between second-tier Kazakhstani banks Confirmed.

Among the institutions in the working group the central bank, Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aviation Industry, Financial Monitoring Agency, Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) and Kazakhstan Financiers Association exists.

Second-tier Kazakhstani banks pilot project thanks now Kazakhstan Financial Services Regulatory Commission (AFSA) Cryptocurrency exchanges licensed by bank accounts and other financial services can present.

The country’s Minister of Digital Development Baghdad Musin He made the following statements on the subject:

The cryptocurrency industry includes not only mining but also cryptocurrency, digital currency, digital wallets and other blockchain technologies. This is an industry that, like any other industry, can work for the good of the country and benefit our economy. We need to turn cryptocurrency exchanges into a source of income and move on to the next stage of financial technology development. It is necessary to create a full-fledged ecosystem so that digital assets generated by Kazakhstan’s electricity can be traded in local cryptocurrencies and revenues remain in the country. We also have a suitable platform for this, such as AIFC.

applicable for the remainder of the year. pilot projectIf successful, it will allow the country to change existing rules and create a solid foundation for the local crypto industry. regulatory framework will allow it to be created.

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