BTC and ETH Statement From Famous Economist About 2022: The Order Will Change

CEO of Real Vision, one of the most recognizable names in the global financial industry Raoul Pal, He shared his views on 2022. Raoul Pal, now a hardcore cryptocurrency investor and follower, is in terms of total market cap. Ethereum‘Fame (ETH), Bitcoin‘I (BTC) He thinks it will pass.

BTC to Switch to ETH

Pal was a guest on The Stakeborg Talks, where he answered questions. Stating that the current growth rate of the Ethereum network is too high and that this is actually a sign that BTC will be surpassed, Pal is quite sure of this.

Yes of course flippening will happen. While one was a store of value, the other became the value and currency of the internet. These are not the same things. All the mobile phone networks in the world are worth much more than gold, but no one compares them. It’s silly, but people love to compare things. “

Pal stated that, in 10 years, if Bitcoin gets smart contracts, cheap transaction fees, and features like this, which actually started with Ethereum, the event may change, but now ETH has gained the upper hand.

While Pal doesn’t expect this to be a “permanent” flippening, he expects ETH to at least once surpass BTC in terms of overall market cap. Between the total market values ​​of Ethereum and Bitcoin, it is almost 500 billion dollars there is a difference and this is for ETH 110% rise can be said to mean. Raoul Pal is not the only expert to express an opinion on this issue, and other experts have similar expectations.

*Not Investment Advice.

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