Breast or Chest? The Truth About Confused Medical Terms!

Some of the definitions in medical jargon are misunderstood by many of us. Since it is quite common among the public, it does not seem strange, but when you learn the truth, you will see that the concepts are different from each other or have nothing to do with each other.

Although some terms used incorrectly may be due to spelling, some are completely under the name of “shame” is being changed. When we hear that the name of the organs we call ourselves is not actually that way, and that sometimes we say the name of a disease while naming the organ, customary You can change your speaking language.

Let’s look at what and how we did wrong and right Let’s find out.

One of the most common mistakes is the concepts of breast/chest

The biggest reason why these concepts are confused is that they are thought to be “disgraceful”. Actually breast and chest are not the same thing. The chest is the upper half of the trunk, that is, the part of the body between the neck and abdomen. The breast is a nipple protrusion that is used for breastfeeding babies in females, and contains sebaceous and milk glands. An organ connected to the chest muscles.

In fact, when you think about it a little, it becomes clearer that this is wrong. For example breasted animal We don’t say ‘mammal’, we say ‘mammal’ or ‘breast cancer’, not ‘breast cancer’.

This mistake, made to avoid shame or to speak more politely, actually causes people to consult the wrong doctors for their breast and breast complaints. chest diseases It is important to remember that the departments of thoracic surgery and thoracic surgery deal with diseases of the rib cage and lungs, and that this unit has nothing to do with the breast. In addition, those with breast-related diseases do not need to go to gynecology departments. general surgery It must be taken in units.

Another confusing issue in the female body: Vagina and vulva.


Vagina and vulva are among the terms that are confused. First of all, if we look at the vagina, it can be explained as the lower part of the birth canal. Connecting the uterus to the outside world muscle channel vagina, inside the body. Vulva is the part called the genital area. on the outer surface. The vulva, a skin layer, surrounds the urethra, clitoris and the outside of the vagina.


When You Learn This Information About Vagina, You Will Realize That You Actually Don’t Know Many Things

What if we told you that appendix and appendicitis are not the same thing?


When you enter search engines, you can actually see the correct words of these words, but the concepts of appendix and appendicitis are quite confused in daily conversations. For this look at TDK Even that is enough.

appendix appendicitis

The appendix is ​​called the last part of the caecum, which is like a thin finger, at the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine. Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix The name given to the infection.

“My appendix burst.” Saying that brings the issue to a point where it is not possible. This disorder actually occurs not as a result of the appendix, but as a result of the inflammation inside it bursting. Indeed “My appendix burst.” should be.

There is no such thing as a “jaundice epidemic”.


Another incorrect term is jaundice epidemic. Jaundice, which occurs as a result of liver and bile duct disorders, is a not a disease On the contrary, it is a symptom of disorder in the organs. If a disease or epidemic in a related situation is to be mentioned “hepatitis epidemic” It can be said. Because hepatitis is a disease, not a symptom.

Even though abortion only comes to mind when abortion is mentioned, the general meaning of abortion is different.


Abortion is popularly known as the removal of the fetus from the womb through medical intervention. There’s actually nothing wrong with this. Because the inside of the uterus is scraped and the fetus is removed. But there is something else unknown. This is the real meaning of the word abortion. “scraping” to be.

In other words, in addition to “aborting a baby”, taking a sample by scraping the inner wall of the uterus, removing diseased or harmful tissues scraping and cleaning is also abortion. Abortion is also a procedure performed for diagnostic purposes.

We know that it will be subject to discussion, but we cannot help but say; Hair and feathers are not the same.


Even though TDK does not count what we said, hair and feathers are different things. According to TDK, feathers are thin, short, soft and dense extensions found on human and animal skin. However, what you need to know here is Feathers are only found in birds.

When you think about the structure of feathers, you will realize that there is no such thing in the human body. In the feather spreading around on a keratin body, many sub-branches has. Even though the hair on our body is thin, this does not mean hair.

There is no distinction between men and women among nurses.

When you go to the hospital and meet a male nurse, you say, “What a caring nurse.” you say. But here against the nurse wrong address Let us state that you did. There is no discrimination between men and women for these competent and competent healthcare professionals. So for both men and women “nurse” It is called.

Let’s come to the end of our content by touching on a small spelling mistake: The use of HIV virus is wrong.


The mistake here actually stems from not knowing what HIV stands for. HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the equivalent. So when we say HIV, we actually mean virus. Therefore, there is no need to call it HIV virus.

For those who want to add to the examples we have given, to comment we are waiting.


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