Breakthrough New Technologies from Amazon in the Business World

Amazon Web Services started to announce its new technologies as part of the re:Invent event. Here are all the innovations Amazon has announced so far…

Today, it hosts the infrastructure of many giant websites. Amazon Web Services (AWS)will soon host much more advanced hardware and features. All innovations coming to AWS were announced at the “re:Invent” event, which started on November 28 and will continue until December 2.

At the event, which will last until December 2, the company will Will compete in business with Intel and AMD also announced its new chip. Let’s take a closer look at all the important innovations announced by Amazon.

The new Graviton3E chip to compete with Intel and AMD:

The new chip of Amazon Web Services, Graviton3E, will be the new chip to be used in cloud systems. The chip, which will be available in the new type of cloud server called Hpc7G, will host 64 vCPUs and 128 GB of memory. New hardware with this chip From the first months of 2023 can be used. The chip will be offered in c7gn server type for those who want high network processing power.

The new chip doesn’t mean Amazon has given up on Intel: new Xeon-based machines have also been announced:

Among Amazon’s new server types to Intel Xeon Scalable processors machines will also be used. These cloud server types will be as follows:

  • mi6in
  • mi6idn
  • C6in
  • R6in
  • R6idn

All new server types will work with the new Nitro 5 hardware hypervisor:

aws nitro 5

All the new server types that Amazon has just announced are also new Nitro 5 hardware hypervisor will work with. The Nitro 5 will offer 30% lower latency, 40% better performance per watt, and 60% higher PPS (packs per second). This high performance will be achieved thanks to almost doubling the number of transistors found in Nitro chips.

The Lambda platform is now saying goodbye to its biggest problem:

amazon lambda snapstart

Lambda, the serverless platform of Amazon Web Services, will also receive innovations. The most important of these innovations isSnapStart‘ feature. With SnapStart, AWS customers will be able to take a snapshot of Lambda functions and get Lambda up and running in less time. On the other hand, the feature can be used in Java functions that use the Corretto runtime for now.

The “Digital Sovereignty Commitment” from Amazon also came:

amazon digital sovereignty commitment

One of the most important announcements made is “Digital Sovereignty Commitment“It happened. With this commitment, Amazon will aim to facilitate customer compliance with the evolving digital sovereignty policies around the world. Customers will be able to create their own sovereignty controls and features on the cloud of AWS.

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