Breaking news! Russia and Cryptocurrency Statement from the White House!

US President Joe Biden briefly went in front of the cameras and announced new sanctions against Russia. An information note was shared from the White House before the sanctions to be signed by Biden.

Against the breach of sanctions against Russia in the briefing cryptocurrency A new warning has been issued, which also covers the units.

The relevant part of the information note shared by the White House is as follows:

Virtual Currency New guidance is being prepared by the Department of the Treasury on Avoiding Sanctions, including through its agency.

Through the new guidance, the Treasury Department will continue to clarify that the Treasury’s sweeping actions against Russia require all U.S. persons to comply with sanctions regulations, regardless of whether a transaction is in traditional fiat or virtual currency.

Treasure, virtual money It closely monitors any effort to circumvent or violate Russia-related sanctions, including the use of and is committed to using broad enforcement powers to act against violations and promote compliance. “

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