Brand New Features for RCS Supported Messages from Google

Google announced that its iMessage-like messaging standard RCS has reached 1 billion active users. Google made this announcement along with the new features it prepared for the Messages application.

US-based technology giant Google announced its own messaging standard today. R.C.S. He made important statements regarding. According to Google’s statements, the number of RCS users has exceeded the 1 billion monthly user threshold. Google made this important statement with a host of new features announced.

Google RCS is a technology that will one day replace the SMS and MMS standard. But one of the obstacles to the service’s widespread adoption over the years has been Apple. apple, iMessage It did not need RCS support when it had service. But now this is behind us. Apple, which made a statement in the past weeks, officially announced that it will start providing RCS support for the iOS ecosystem. explained. This being the case, there is no way for RCS to grow further. there is no obstacle left.

So, what new features have arrived in the RCS-supported Google Messages application?

The first new feature that Google started to offer to users is all your photos It could be converted into message reactions. Users will now be able to convert any message or photo they receive into a reaction and send it to the other party.

Making all photos convertible is not the only innovation of Google Messages regarding message reactions. Google, on the 10 most popular emojis He did a study. With this work, these reaction emojis will be displayed on the screen with brand new animations.

Another innovation of Google is about users’ voice messages. Users can submit a to voicemail They will be able to add animated emojis. Thus, a brand new option will be added to the messaging experience.

Google Messages app can now create full-screen effects for some texts. For example “I love youWhen you write ” covering the entire screen You will see an effect. This feature will remind some of us of MSN.

Google’s RCS supported messaging application, chat of bubbles and will allow changing the background color as well. This feature can be considered a feature that will never come to iMessage.

The latest innovation added to the Google Messages application is a notification for users’ accounts. Ability to create profiles. In this way, users will have better information about messages from users who are not registered in their contacts.


Apple Officially Announced That It Will Bring RCS Support to iPhones! Messaging Between iPhone and Android Is Radically Changing

Google said that the new features it has prepared for the Messages application will reach users gradually. However, a clear schedule for new features was not shared.

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