Brand CT in LoL, Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

League of Legends’ fiery older brother Brand appears before us by setting fire to the mid lane and mainly the bottom lane. Although this fire is sometimes friendly fire, it sometimes scorches the enemies.

One of the game’s fiery magicians brandAlthough it is basically a mid laner character, it has been adopting its own place as a support role in the lower lane for a long time. Of course, the support role is purely talk. Even though he’s doing his job as a support, the damage he inflicts can be very irritating in the early stages.

Crowd control ability and especially a burst of damage over time Combined with her abilities, Brand has become one of the most annoying early-stage characters. it doesn’t take very long. Bride Brand CTs, abilities, strengths and weaknesses Let’s see together.

Brand CTs: Characters who are strong against Brand

  • Taric
  • end
  • Soraka
  • Rakan
  • Vel’Koz

The main function of the character damage support characters, whose main purpose is to protect his teammate, can leave Brand as a neutral element. Support characters that can negatively affect Brand, such as healing damage, stun, silencing, he can shake his throne.

All of the living fire Brand’s abilities:

All abilities of Living Fire Brand

  • Passive / Flame: Brand’s abilities cause his targets to ignite, taking damage for 4 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times. Brand regains mana if he kills a flaming enemy. When the flame reaches max stacks on any champion or large monster, it becomes unstable and explodes after 2 seconds, applying ability effects and damaging a massive area around its victim.
  • Q / Fireball: Brand fires a fireball that deals magic damage. If the target is already on fire, the Fireball stuns the target for 1.5 seconds.
  • W / Pillar of Flame: After a short delay, Brand creates a Pillar of Flame in the target area, dealing magic damage to enemy units in the area. Units that have already ignited take 25% additional damage.
  • E / Brand fires a powerful blast at his target that spreads to nearby enemies, dealing magic damage. If the target is on fire, the spread of Fire is doubled.
  • R / Volcano: Brand’s devastating torrent of fire bounces off Brand or nearby enemies up to 5 times, dealing magic damage to enemies on each bounce. Tabs prioritize maxing out the Flame effect on champions. If targets are already on fire, the Volcano slows them for a short time.

Vengeance Flame Brand’s strengths and weaknesses:

Brand's strengths and weaknesses

Brand’s strengths:

  • Having a dominant role in the early stage
  • Ability to make very comfortable area control with its abilities
  • In addition to instant damage, it also has features that deal damage over time.

Brand is a character who can dominate both in the bottom lane and mid lane. of your abilities wide range of and passive properties extra damages Thanks to this, he can control the area more easily compared to many characters. Especially the bottom lane can have a hard time against attack power carriers, which are fragile.

Brand’s weak features:

  • Having problems with mana in the early stages like many mages
  • Although it has the potential to show a dominant gameplay, it is open to raids because it has problems in terms of mobility.
  • To be able to use crowd control effectively, he needs to be able to hone his skills effectively. This can disrupt the combo at the slightest evasion.

Like many mages, Brand is early on mana. having trouble one of the characters. Despite the potential for dominance, mobility is a characteristic of the character. a weak subject He’s in a pretty clear position for the raid. In addition, if any of the character’s abilities are avoided, the combo may be broken, so he cannot use the crowd control feature 100%.

How to play Brand in LoL?

How to play Brand in LoL?

  • Brand can be strong early on as he’s good at lane pushing. Besides, if you have to fight while doing it, don’t miss the chance to use your skills in the right order and stun your opponent.
  • It’s very important to use your mana carefully, spending all your mana on dealing damage or pushing lanes in the early phase can cause you to come back for mana or get raided and die too early
  • After reaching the 6th level and unlocking your ultimate, we can say that the real fun begins. Especially if you are in the bottom lane, the result of a combo with your ultimate ability can be very deadly for the opponent when you see your opponents side by side.

Brand is one of those characters that has the potential to be dominant at an early level. Especially if you are playing in the bottom lane with your skills. providing area control game of your opponents You can move it over. But be careful while doing these, it is also important to use your mana well. The result of quickly depleting your mana can be deadly.

How to play against Brand, how to beat Brand?

How to play against Brand?

  • When Brand can combine his abilities, he becomes a very dangerous character. But if you manage to evade his abilities, the danger he poses is greatly reduced as he won’t be able to activate crowd control.
  • Brand is a character who has trouble with mobility. You can turn this disadvantage to your advantage and drop the character from the corridor with raids.
  • Brand’s abilities are much more effective and dangerous when opponents stand side by side. So avoid too much mingling with your teammates in lanes when you play against Brand.

Brand skills when you can get it quite a dangerous character. But if you can avoid their talents chance to escape crowd control. you can get. In this case, it will greatly reduce the danger it will create. Since the character is one of the characters who have problems with mobility, at worst, you can knock the character down from the lane through your jungler’s raids.

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