Boston Dynamics designs robot tour guide with ChatGPT – SDN

Robots are slowly settling into every corner of our lives. He continues to surprise people with his talents. Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot managed to impress everyone with its surprising agility. Now he has a brand new mission. He’ll be a pretty good tour guide now. ChatGPT is its biggest supporter in this regard. ChatGPT, which is now everywhere, has also made a name for itself in robot technology. Here are the details…

Boston Dynamics uses ChatGPT to create robot tour guides!

Everyone knows the capabilities of OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT. Boston Dynamics engineers began research to explore how generative artificial intelligence tools could be used with a robot dog. Engineers recently decided to create a tour guide using technology.

Matt Klingensmith, principal software engineer at Boston Dynamics “We wanted to see how you could use technologies like this for robotics.” says.

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To start, the team asked Spot, who would be Boston Dynamics’ tour guide, to introduce the rooms. He made great preparations for this. As part of the preparations, the team gave Spot a short script stating the name of each room to visit and a single sentence describing the room’s purpose.

Spot then combined this data with images from its onboard cameras. Then he took her through a model known as the “visual question-answering model.” So he tries to learn more about what he’s looking at. In this way, he can provide a more detailed verbal response.

Klingensmith, “So crazy personalities will emerge. He will include the background of what he sees and reinterpret what he sees. “This is incredible work.” said.

The software engineer said he, too, was surprised by some of the answers. For example, when he asked Spot to show him his parents, the robot took him to an older version of Spot in Boston Dynamics’ robot exhibit.

Robots are slowly taking over our world. Thanks to productive artificial intelligence, some professions in the future will only exist in history books. So what do you think about this issue? You can share your opinions in the comments.

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