Borsa İstanbul Started the New Day Horizontally

Borsa Istanbul, which has been gaining momentum by opening at record levels every day for a long time, started the new day with a horizontal course. While the index started the day with a decrease of 0.04 percent at the level of 6,370, CANTE shares with 3.39 percent and DOHOL with 1.28 percent were the ones that dropped the most at the opening.

IZDMC with a limited increase of 0.70 percent and ALFAS with 0.93 percent were among the leaders on the positive side.

Constructive contacts of Mehmet Şimşek in Saudi Arabia are expected

The new CBRT Chairman, Hafize Gaye Erkan, together with the Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek, is expected to meet with investors in Saudi Arabia today. In a statement he made on his social media account yesterday, Mehmet Şimşek, who pointed out the improvements in the CBRT reserves, stated that the efforts to provide external resources for the increase in the reserves were accelerating.

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