Boris Palmer: Southwest Greens officially apply for exclusion from the party

Boris Palmer

At the beginning of May, a party convention of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg decided to initiate party regulatory proceedings against Palmer.

(Photo: dpa)

Stuttgart, Tübingen The state board of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg has now officially applied for the mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer, to be excluded from the party. The 33-page application had been sent to the responsible district arbitration committee of the Greens in Tübingen and Palmer’s lawyer, a spokeswoman for the Southwest Greens announced in Stuttgart on Monday. The Commission must now decide on the timing of the procedure.

State chairmen Sandra Detzer and Oliver Hildenbrand declared: “Through his provocations that have been occurring for years, Boris Palmer has deliberately and seriously violated the principles and the order of our party.”

This is not about isolated cases. “We are dealing with years of history and a long list of calculated slips and staged taboos. Boris Palmer mainly uses the issues of immigration, refugee and human rights policy to move further away from the line of our party, utterance after utterance. ”

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