Booster vaccination makes all the difference in the fight against Omikron – Boris Johnson rejects new restrictions

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants despite a record number of new corona infections in England get by without stricter restrictions. The conservative politician announced in London that he would stick to his so-called Plan B. This includes a mask requirement indoors, the recommendation to work from home, and 3-G certificates (i.e.: vaccinated, recovered or tested) for clubs and major events. The plan has been in place for several weeks.

Many experts are calling for tougher measures to prevent the health system from being overloaded, as is already being suggested in some clinics. Because of the high number of new infections, many hospitals are absent.

Johnson justifies his line with the fact that it has now been proven that the omicron variant prevailing in England and Scotland causes milder courses of Covid-19. There would not be so many infected people in intensive care units. Nine out of ten patients in the intensive care units have not yet had a booster vaccination, it said. Johnson again called on his compatriots to get a booster vaccination.

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