Books of Turkish Literature You Can Buy on Amazon

In our list of books today, we have included wonderful works that have taken their place in Turkish Literature. In this list, which includes both classic and contemporary books, we tried to choose the kind of books that will appeal to everyone. You can easily buy these books that you can finish in one breath from Amazon.

It is an inescapable fact that reading books is extremely beneficial. Reading a book is an activity that everyone should make a habit of, regardless of age from seven to seventy. How much is Turkish Literature? successful and wonderful We don’t even need to say that he has his works in it.

If you are also a bookworm who can’t get enough of reading, you may constantly think about what to read. We have prepared a list of books for you, regardless of category, consisting entirely of Turkish Literature. all of the books Amazon You can easily buy it on the website and start reading immediately.

Wonderful books of Turkish Literature

that he wrote detective The successful writer Ahmet Ümit, who attracts a lot of attention with his novels, brings together the Nevzat Superintendent, whom we missed in the Cry of the Swallow, with his readers again. The Scream of the Swallow was written in 2018 and replaces the historical events we saw in Ahmet Ümit’s previous novels. a more recent topic takes over.

The Cry of the Swallow tells the adventure of Nevzat Superintendent in pursuit of a murderer who killed child rapists. While trying to establish a connection between the rapist victims, Nevzat learns about the tragic events that some immigrants from Syria have experienced. his book Amazon If you want to buy via, you can click here.

Ten Minutes Thirty-Eight Seconds - Elif Şafak

Ten Minutes Thirty-Eight Seconds was one of the highly anticipated books of the successful author Elif Şafak, and the book has been attracting great attention since the day it was published in 2019. Contrary to the stories we are used to from Elif Şafak, the book is extremely interesting and dramatic deals with a topic.

It is believed that the brain works for ten minutes and thirty-eight seconds after the heart stops, and Elif Şafak writes in her book that people after death He tells the reader what is on his mind. From fear to sadness, from happiness to pain, you will feel many emotions at the same time in this book. Amazon to buy via here you can click.

Museum of Innocence - Orhan Pamuk

Orhan Pamuk, to his book “It was the happiest moment of my life, I didn’t know” begins, and we, as readers, begin to empathize with Kemal, the hero of the book, at that moment. This work, which has managed to be among the Best Books of 2009, is Orhan Pamuk’s work. most touching It is one of his novels and a must read for everyone.

In a way, the Museum of Innocence writes about the days when Kemal, who is madly in love with Füsun, was burning with love. Kemal is so attached and in love with Füsun that he keeps the butts of Füsun’s cigarettes as a memory. The tragedy that Kemal, who dies of love, suddenly encounters, brings the readers to tears. Museum of Innocence Amazon to buy via here you can click.

Madonna in a Fur Coat - Sabahattin Ali

Price: 7.50 TL

Turkish literature the most importantSabahattin Ali, who is one of the names, has become one of the names in literature with this book he wrote. to an unforgettable work has signed. Madonna in a Fur Coat is one of the most popular and successful books of the author, and the book was translated into many languages ​​and met with readers from different parts of the world.

Madonna in a Fur Coat is about Raif Bey, who has always lived his life according to the wishes of others, especially his family, and immigrated to Germany for work. Raif Bey meets Maria Puder on one of the days he thinks is boring and manages to pull Maria Raif out of her ordinary life and distract her. his book Amazon to buy via here you can click.

Adventures of the Mismatched Defne Kaman - Buket Uzuner

Buket Uzuner, a successful writer, tells her story The Adventures of Misfit Defne Kaman in a series of three books: Water, Air and Soil. As you may recall, the author recently Atiye He filed a plagiarism lawsuit for the Netflix series titled ‘.

The Adventures of Misfit Defne Kaman deals with the issues experienced after the mysterious disappearance of journalist Defne. This book, which contains a bit of shamanic culture and a bit of mind games, will help the reader read the words mentioned in Turkish mythology. “lower world” introduces you to a place called The first book in the series is Su. Amazon to purchase via here you can click.

My Brother's Story - Zülfü Livaneli

My Brother’s Story, after the Serenade by master writer Zülfü Livaneli the loudest became one of his works. This book, which looks like a romance novel at first glance, turns the reader into a story full of suspense and mystery.

My Brother’s Story tells the story of a strange man who got bored of city life and settled in a town, never touching people here, giving a different name to each room in his house. One day, a journalist girl visits this man to talk after a murder and tells him about his past. Mysterious stories one by one begins to listen. to buy the book here you can click.

Woman With Passion Breathe Afife Jale - Osman Balcıgil

that he wrote with biographical novels Osman Balcıgil, who is considered to be an extremely successful writer, this time tells the story of the first female theater actor Afife Jale’s life full of hardship, struggle and success.

Afife Jale, who dreamed of being a theater actress since her childhood, struggled to realize her dream; After all, it was not unusual for a woman to go to the theater at that time. Although he achieved the success he wanted and made his name known to the whole world, morphine, which he saw as a solution for headache, prepared Afife Jale’s inevitable end. his book Amazon to buy via here you can click.

Tears Mansion - Sebnem Isiguzel

Price: 23.71 TL

Published by Şebnem İşigüzel in 2016, this book, according to the comments made by readers, finished in one breath and was extremely fascinating and intriguing has a subject. With its full name, Gözyaşı Konağı Ada, 1876 was deemed worthy of the Duygu Asena Novel Award in 2017.

Gözyaşı Konağı tells the story of a young girl who became pregnant from an illegitimate union and is sent into exile with her housekeeper to Büyükada. This book, which deals with both the political and social problems of the period, questions why women are always guilty and should be punished. his book Amazon to buy via here you can click.

Five Sevim Apartments - Mine Söğüt

Mine Söğüt, a successful journalist and writer, managed to attract great attention with the Beş Sevim Apartments she wrote in 2003. The book has the kind of ending that fans of psychological novels will appreciate, and it has a really twisting ending.

Five Sevim Apartments, with its full name, Dreamy Cinperi Lies, tells the story of Doctor Samimi, who gathers 5 mental patients in the same apartment in order to eliminate his fear of jinn and fairies. Doctor Samimi believes that if he destroys belief, he will destroy his fears, but as time passes, he becomes someone who can never get rid of his fears. his book Amazon to purchase via here you can click.

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