Bomb DOGE, Bitcoin and ETH Statements at the Meeting in the USA!

The Financial Services Committee meeting, which the Bitcoin and altcoin market has been waiting for a long time, started yesterday at 18:00 in Turkey. Many leading names of the cryptocurrency market attended this meeting. Interesting topics were discussed at the meeting. Members of Congress often asked questions about the DeFi market, hacking, fraud, and stablecoins. Some statements marked the meeting. Congressman Brad Sherman’s speech is one of them. Brad Sherman surprised with comments on Dogecoin (DOGE), Bitcoin and Ethereum. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Brad Sherman: Ethereum is replaced by Dogecoin (DOGE), and Ethereum is replaced by…

Congressman Brad Sherman is known for his critical comments on the cryptocurrency market. Brad Sherman also drew the spotlight in his speech yesterday. California Congressman Brad Sherman states that cryptocurrencies are competing with the US dollar and aiming to replace it. In the continuation of his explanations, Brad Sherman made interesting comments about altcoins represented by animal names. Brad Sherman said:

Cryptocurrency is the biggest enemy of cryptocurrencies. Ethereum can replace Bitcoin (BTC). Ethereum can be replaced by Dogecoin (DOGE), and its place by Hamster coin…

Brad Sherman later targeted Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong and Tether company executives, who did not attend the meeting. Brad Sherman made serious criticisms of these people.

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