Announces It Will Stop Its Broadcasts

The legendary platform, which started to serve in the early 2000s, when the internet looked very different from now, announced that it has decided to stop its broadcasts.

We spend most of our day nowadays and smack into all kinds of content. social media channelswas not always here. In the times when the internet was much slower, much more ‘exploratory’ and less popular, there were different platforms that brought users together with different concepts.

One of the most enjoyable of these platforms, which is still broadcasting today, is undoubtedly. bobiler.orgwas Although it has not been as popular as it used to be in recent years, there has been news that will upset its followers from this entertaining platform, which ‘bobies’ share by making various photomontages or, in their own words, ‘montages’.

15-year journey is interrupted ‘for a long time’

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