Bitexen Overtakes Other Turkish Stock Exchanges According to Website Traffic

According to SimilarWeb, which provides monthly traffic data for websites, Bitexen, a digital asset trading platform, finished the month of August at the top, surpassing other Turkish stock markets.

In the light of data from SimilarWeb, according to the comparison of the number of visitors in August among the crypto currency exchanges with the highest trading volume in Turkey, Bitexen 3.2 million left its stakeholders behind with the number of unique visitors. Right after Bitexen 1.9 million Turkey leg of Binance, the crypto exchange with the world’s largest trading volume with unique visitors. BinanceTR took place. Third place with 1.5 million Paribuin the fourth place 1.3 million with a unique visitor BtcTurk exists.

Cryptocurrency exchanges serving in Turkey according to August website traffic rankings:

  1. Bitexen 3.2 million
  2. BinanceTR 1.9 million
  3. Paribu 1.5 million
  4. BtcTurk 1.3 million

source site-9