Bitcoin Will Be Traded At These Levels In 2022!

Bitcoin (BTC), which reached its ATH level of $69,000 in November, has been struggling with regulatory price movements for the past few months. With the close of 2021, 6-digit price predictions are invalid, while a rather modest forecast came from Seba Bank CEO Guido Buehler.

Guido Buehler: I’m almost certain we will reach these levels

Seba Bank CEO Guido Buehler said his firm’s models have seen Bitcoin soar between $50,000 and $75,000 in 2022. The price of Bitcoin could nearly double this year to $75,000, as more institutional investors start embracing the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, according to Buehler. Stating that they believe in this prediction, the CEO of the company says that the main problem is timing:

Our internal valuation models currently show prices between $50,000 and $75,000. I’m pretty sure we’re going to see that level. The question is always timing.

After hitting the ATH level of $69,000 in November, Bitcoin briefly dropped below $40,000 on Monday, the lowest since September. When asked whether Bitcoin will test the record levels seen last year, Buehler said he “thinks so” but stressed that price oil will be volatile.

Noelle Acheson: Bitcoin acts like a risk asset As we quoted Genesis head of markets, Noelle Acheson, said that Bitcoin has acted as a risk asset many times over the past few months. Acheson’s remarkable findings were on the durability of Bitcoin:

When the market gets tense, Bitcoin drops. We’ve seen several indicators that the 10-year spike has spooked market sentiment a bit – which is not good for any asset with high volatility in cash flows. Unlike many assets that have been tainted by this brush, Bitcoin is liquid and therefore could receive further selling pressure without a heavy blow.

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