Bitcoin Whale Bought $21 Million Worth of Bitcoin

The third largest bitcoin whale has added another 456 bitcoins (BTC) to its portfolio.

Whale tracks wallet movements on Bitinfocharts the third largest bitcoin whale by data, January 4, 2022 to its portfolio on 456 bitcoins (BTC) at $46,363 added. Approximately 21 million dollars whale with purchase worth 2022 The first major purchase of the year was made. With the last transaction, the whale is now in total $5,614,209,779.91 worth 120,845.57 units owns bitcoin.

This purchase is the whale’s 2022 It was not the first transaction made in the year. Whale, A purchase of 6 bitcoins just 1 hour 55 minutes after entering the year 2022 had accomplished.

At the time the news was written CoinGecko according to data 1% depreciation in 24 hours bitcoin At $46,611 is being traded. Demonstrating dominance against other cryptocurrencies in the market bitcoin dominance if 37.55% are levels.

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