Bitcoin Whale Became Active After 6 Years: He Transferred 2,995 BTC He Bought at $450!

After 6 years of silent waiting, the Bitcoin whale attracted attention by transferring millions of dollars worth of BTC.

Offered by on-chain analysis platform Lookonchain to data according to about for 6 years an inactive Bitcoin whale 9 October day took action. of the whale 6 years The action he takes after waiting is approximately $82.8 million amount to 2,995 BTC into 2 different wallets was to transfer.

Whale May 7, 2016 Bitcoin on yet $1.47 million from $459 in return 3,200 BTC had bought it. These Bitcoins the whale bought 200 one of them 2017 He transferred it to another wallet in . Market analysts consider these transfers a possible snow sale He interpreted it as preparation beforehand.

The whale that was the subject of the news was 2,495 BTC’good “bc1q…wnpu” to the address named, the remaining 500 BTCif “bc1q…x3l9” He transferred it to an address named. Addresses to which the whale transfers both newly created They were addresses.

But the whale was not satisfied with these procedures and 500 BTC to a wallet by making 2 different transfer transactions from the address he sent. 499.5 BTCto another wallet 0.5 BTC sent. on the other hand 2,495 BTCwas not moved from the wallet it was originally sent to.

After the transfers, the whale 6 years in the wallet where he kept his assets throughout Only $7 Bitcoin left.

Similar whale activity 7 October seen on the day and for 3 years inactive Bitcoin whale millions of dollars He came to the fore with his valuable transfer. The recent frequent awakening of whales is thought to indicate a period of silence before movement.

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