Bitcoin Statement from US Congressman: “Strengthen the Dollar!”

US Congressman Pete Sessions said in a statement. of bitcoin He said it is in line with American values ​​and will strengthen the US dollar.

“Bitcoin Is A Durable Alternative To Hedge From Inflation Of The US Dollar”

The US politician also noted that BTC stands out “as an alternative option that is more resilient to the inflation of fiat currencies.”

In fact, US Congressman Pete Sessions has posted a few more Bitcoin-related Tweets this week. Sessions represents Texas’ 17th Congressional District and has served 11 terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Sessions claimed in his statement that BTC is in line with American values ​​and will strengthen the dollar.

Many Twitter users made different comments on the subject. Some users argued that Bitcoin is compatible with American values, but will not strengthen the US dollar.

Anthony Pompliano, co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital Assets, responded to Sessions in a statement:

“BTC represents American values ​​of free market and freedom of expression.”

One of the New York Times bestselling authors, Mark Jeffrey, added a different interpretation to the subject by tagging US President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen:

“The U.S. Treasury urgently replenishes its reserves. BTC fill it with.”

Another Twitter user said that BTC is compatible with American values, but the dollar is incompatible with these values. Some users claimed that BTC will be the end of the US dollar.

Sessiona also said in his tweets earlier this week that he thinks BTC is a hedge against inflation.

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