Bitcoin, SHIB Foresight, Altcoin Basket…

Cryptocurrency exchanges are an innovative force that cannot be ignored in the fintech space. Currently, the total market cap of cryptocurrencies in the world has reached $1.2 trillion. Cryptocurrency trading platform MEXC states that it not only provides liquidity to the market, but also reinforces the value of Blockchain. When Web3’s time comes, users from Web2; They will be able to see that the project, which has become the infrastructure of Web3, is a value mining and trading project on the Bitcoin and altcoin exchange platform. So, how did MEXC Global, one of the successful crypto exchanges in global operations, enter the top 3 in the Asian market and become one of the popular altcoin trading platforms in the Turkish market?

Interview with MEXC Turkey CEO: Bitcoin, altcoin, SHIB and more…

We invited Kevin, Turkey CEO of MEXC Global, for an interview. Kevin – CEO of MEXC Turkey department, entered the Blockchain industry in 2018. In the interview that you will read below, you will not only get an idea of ​​why MEXC places great emphasis on user service, but you will also be able to gain some insight into the cryptocurrency industry.

Question 1: MEXC what? Can you tell us about your stock market and why we need such a platform? What makes MEXC special?

MEXC; is the world’s leading one-stop service platform providing spot, leverage, ETF and contract trading, as well as staking and other products and services. MEXC is the trading platform with the most online assets, complete categories and high speed. It is also a platform driven by user needs. At MEXC, you can not only provide feedback to your questions about asset listing and product recommendations through the official customer service channel, but also provide listing recommendations and product feedback through our community.

Question 2: How often are cryptocurrencies listed on MEXC? How are the assets performing?

Currently, MEXC is releasing an average of 4-5 new assets per day. So far, spot trading covers over 1100 assets and over 1600 trading pairs. Leveraged ETFs cover over 170 funds and over 190 trading pairs. Contracted products, on the other hand, cover 200 types of assets. These projects include ecological Blockchain projects such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana, Avalanche Protocol and Fantom, as well as NFT, Metaverse, GameFi, DeFi, Layer2, DAO etc. covers the fields.

In terms of asset performance, some reports have published statistics on this: 6 out of 10 highest-yielding assets in 2021 were first released by MEXC’s listing. The average maximum theoretical gain exceeded 6,600 percent. For this reason, MEXC is often considered by users as the “first stop of high-quality projects initiated”.

MEXC sets two criteria for cryptocurrency listings

Question 3: Why is MEXC a challenging platform in the crypto industry?

There are several reasons why MEXC has become one of the top 3 trading platforms in Asia and the largest altcoin trading platform in less than 4 years. The first is the basic service concept of “user first”; secondly, MEXC’s fast adaptability and responsiveness to the market; The third is the culture and management of the company. I think these three points helped MEXC to gain a foothold among exchanges and to be recognized quickly among users.

Question 4: of the MEXC exchange What are the cryptocurrencies listing criteria?

MEXC has only two standards for online projects: the first is that it is a user-recognized project, and the other is that it is a project that can promote the development of Blockchain. First of all, MEXC’s listing of the project is followed by user ratings and user feedback. For example, we have an activity called Kickstarter. There are many projects on this platform that are waiting for users to vote to enter the MEXC market every day, but which projects will be launched depends on the game of users with MX tokens. The advantage of this is that it is still up to the user to decide what kind of assets the user wants to trade, and the user can receive the token reward from the relevant project during the voting process.

Projects with a large number of community users and high popularity are quickly launched. This is how meme projects like SHIB, PEOPLE, and SOS started. Not only these, but many of our productive projects were also recommended by community users. Among the divided sectors, MEXC expects the creation of good projects in all areas. That’s why we will continue to look for projects from every industry to find premium assets for our users. From a market perspective, this also helps the positive development of the cryptocurrency industry. We reject projects with high risks that may harm users. That’s why we have a professional team to review projects to protect users’ interests.

The stock market was named the best in Asia in 2021!

Question 5Can you tell us what you are most proud of about MEXC? What was the most exciting thing at MEXC in 2021?

The proudest thing of course should come from the approval of our users, but we will continue to work hard to serve more users in the cryptocurrency market. There are huge moments in 2021 for MEXC. On October 20, we entered into a strategic partnership with derivatives trading platform ByBit, where we gain complementary benefits through in-depth cooperation.

On October 21, at the Dubai Crypto Expo, MEXC Global won the title of “Best Cryptocurrency Exchange in Asia”. This was a great opportunity not only for us but also for more people to learn about MEXC. In December, MEXC launched its MX Token 2.0 scheme. By strengthening MX, we further develop global partnerships, invest ecologically and grow together by profiting from partners.

Question 6: What is MEXC’s position in the market?

Above all, MEXC is a cryptocurrency trading platform that adheres to global compliance operations. Since 2020, it has obtained consecutive licenses from 5 countries, namely Estonia, United States, Australia, Canada and Switzerland. It is one of the most licensed platforms for cryptocurrency trading in the world and provides a high guarantee of transaction security.

What levels can Bitcoin see by the end of 2022?

Question 7: At the end of last year, a transaction restriction was imposed on users in China. Has this had a particular effect on you?

In 2021, MEXC’s overseas user growth percentage reached 1100 percent. Annual transaction volume has increased by over 70 percent, with international users accounting for 70 percent of the total number of users. The departure of Chinese users is part of global operations; so it didn’t have much of an impact on the platform.

Question 8We have a special question. At what levels will Bitcoin price be at the end of 2022?

I am optimistic about the value of Bitcoin in the medium and long term. But in the short term, factors such as the monetary policy of the United States and the situation in the world are putting a great deal of uncertainty on the Bitcoin price, and technical analysis may be invalid at this time.

Question 9: What do you think of assets like Shiba and Dogecoin?

Personally, I think first of all, meme entities like SHIB and DOGE are some kind of pop culture or cultural symbol. DOGE was originally created to mock BTC back then. As for the Shiba Inu, SHIB was the best performing asset in 2021, also making many people turn their attention to the cryptocurrency space. However, with the continuous development of the industry, such assets may also gradually lose their breast characteristics and surrender themselves to bearish scenarios.

MEXC executive’s portfolio includes Bitcoin and MX

Question 10: The popular concept in 2021 wasn’t just the metaverse, and Web3 has been a hotly debated concept as well. What do you think Web3 is?

It’s been discussed about Web3 many times, but it’s nothing hard to understand. Web3 is a next-generation decentralized network that can realize the focus on human and asset autonomy in parallel with BTC. However, the foundation of Web3 application requires not only a secure and high-speed chain, but also continuous improvement of infrastructure such as oracle tools, smart contracts, and storage. Therefore, many projects have the potential to become part of Web3 in the future.

That’s why MEXC will continue to expand the boundaries of its Blockchain, exploring high-quality projects in various paths, and engaging in relevant collaborations. Also, I think the basis of metaverse implementation is Web3.

Question 11: KDo you have a cryptocurrency portfolio? If yes, which coins are in your portfolio?

I personally hold BTC and MX tokens for a long time. There are other projects that I consider optimistic, but I cannot talk about my personal views as I am afraid of influencing the decisions of others.


We would like to thank Kevin, CEO of MEXC Global, for his valuable answers. We wish success to the MEXC stock exchange in their work.

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