Bitcoin Miners Broke a Record: Watch Out for $1.5 Billion Selling Pressure!

The monthly income of Bitcoin (BTC) miners reached a record level as of last month.

While the cryptocurrency market maintained its upward momentum, transactions made on the network increased. In parallel with this increase, the monthly income of Bitcoin miners reached a record level. According to current data, miners in December $1.51 billion profit got it. In order for miners to continue their activities after record profits, possibility of making profit sales has come to the fore once again.

Miners finally May in the month 919 million dollars has achieved record returns and its main source of income is BRC-20 craze had happened.

Similarly in December Ordinals (ORDI) And SATS The demand for BRC20 projects such as BRC20 was one of the factors that increased the number of transactions in the Bitcoin network to a record level.

A famous software engineer and Bitcoin advocate Jameson Loppmade a statement about the increase in transaction fees. In the post shared by Lopp, transaction fees collected by Bitcoin miners will average approximately 2 million dollars and compared to the previous year A staggering 400% increase was reported to have occurred.

On the other hand, the Bitcoin mining difficulty level, which is at record levels, also increases the competition between miners. Yet Bitcoin miners The best performing investment instruments of 2023 He renewed his trust by succeeding in getting in among them.

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