Bitcoin Inventor Revealed: I’m Satoshi!

A copy of the Linux kernel’s source code containing the line “I am Satoshi” surfaced on GitHub today. This statement in the Linux source code has caused confusion. It seems that Linux creator Linus Torvalds did not send this message; instead, the message is appended to a fork. A copy of Linux’s source code contains the words “I am Satoshi”, referring to Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. However, the statement appears to be a joke and almost certainly did not come from Torvalds himself. Detail‘in.

Who is the inventor of Bitcoin?

The message looks like a joke. Rumors earlier today may have implied that Linux inventor Linus Torvalds is the inventor of Bitcoin in a cryptic way. But these rumors are probably just that. The words “I am Satoshi” are found under the namespace in a copy of the source code of the Linux kernel. While it may seem at first glance that Torvalds posted this statement as a joke, it is unclear whether he actually did it. While it’s unlikely that Torvalds is actually the real identity behind Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, the two figures are comparable as they both create highly recognizable pieces of open source software. Also, some noted similarities between Bitcoin and Torvalds’ version control system Git. While Git is not a true blockchain, it is a ledger that uses cryptographic hashes and can be considered a distant relative of the blockchain.

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Torvalds is not known to comment publicly on Bitcoin. In 2014, it turned out that many developers, including Torvalds, did not collect Bitcoin tips sent to them through the Tip4Commit service, and the Linux founder was not interested in cryptocurrency. GNU founder Richard Stallman, one of Torvalds’ contemporaries, publicly criticized Bitcoin in 2020. He criticized the privacy of cryptocurrencies and stated that he completely avoided digital payments.

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