Bitcoin Hash Rate Dropped By 15 Percent

After the Bitcoin hash rate got rid of China’s bans and reached its highest level, the bitcoin hash rate decreased by 15% in 10 days with the events in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is one of the countries it went to after the Chinese government banned mining as a result of searching for low-cost places for miners. According to Cambridge University data, the total to 18% of the hash rate It is the second country after the USA.

Bitcoin price in the evening of January 10, 2022 to 39,600 levels experienced a decline. One of the reasons for this is that the Kazakhstan government needs electricity and the internet to control the growing protests. completely shut down is considered to be.

According to the latest information, Russia sent to the region to ensure peace. 2500-man army announced its withdrawal.

President Kasım-Cömert Tokayev reportedly called these protesters an attempted coup.

It is thought that Kazakhstan is planning to increase taxes and tighten rules on Bitcoin miners from this year, and the Chairman of the National Blockchain and Data Center Industry Association” Alan Dordzhiey said in a statement that the mining problem is almost solved, and the situation in the mining regions is good.

an observing organization that monitors the governance of the Internet. NetBlocksreported a new power outage.

The last measured current hash rate, based on data from, on 1 January approximately 208 million EH/s It is seen to be quite far from the highest level measured in . However, according to experts, this situation is not dangerous yet.

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