Bitcoin (BTC) Warning from Famous Strategist: What is the Bottom Target?

The uncertainty in the cryptocurrency industry is still not over, and Bitcoin (BTC) has been struggling for a long time at the $42,000 level.

The decline of the Bitcoin price, which started at $ 69,000, is seen as the consolidation part of the rally, according to some experts. Another name thinks the decline is not over yet.

$30,000 Visible in BTC

Renowned strategist and Invesco expert Paul Jackson, He has very bad predictions for Bitcoin. Jackson, BTC price 30,000 dollars He claims that it can even go below the level. Stating that the probability of a 30% decline is a reality rather than a possibility, the analyst made an interesting analogy about the subject.

Great Depression Stating that a similar period is about to happen, the analyst thinks that the special collapse in the crypto money sector will bring 30,000 dollars in gold.

Such mass advertising of Bitcoin reminds us of the activity of stockbrokers in the 1929s.”

The recent volatility of the BTC price is seen as a mystery for many. As the leading cryptocurrency moves towards the risky indicator known as the “death cross” in technical analysis, the interest rate news that is scheduled to arrive in February also increases the danger.

The rumor that Federal Reserve officials will completely end asset purchases as of March and increase interest rates on top of that may be a death sentence for BTC. Of course, despite this, there are still positive thinkers. Famous analyst Max Keiser thinks that the BTC price can go up to $ 220,000 this year and new records will come.

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