Bitcoin (BTC) Single Action Launched These 7 Altcoin Projects!

Anyswap, Keep3rV1, WEMIX tracks Bitcoin’s double-digit rallies to $44,000. ANY, KP3R and WEMIX are leading the altcoin exit of January 12 after BTC price rallied to $44,000 and broke out of the horizontal range. For details cryptocoin.comPlease continue to stay in.

Altcoin exit happened with the movement of BTC

The cryptocurrency community returned in high spirits on January 12 after most of the top 200 tokens flashed green after Bitcoin (BTC) surged to $44,000. The return of bullish momentum and some tokens seeing gains of over 20% (7 altcoins in the chart below) has been a boon to several altcoin projects.

The data shows that Anyswap (ANY), Keep3rV1 (KP3R) and WEMIX (WEMIX) have earned the most in the last 24 hours. Anyswap is expanding the list of supported networks. The gains in the altcoin market were led by Anyswap, a decentralized exchange that specializes in allowing users to transfer and exchange tokens between 25 different networks. Retrieved data shows that since dropping as low as $15.16 on January 10, ANY price surged 77.67% to $26.93 on January 12.

The spike in activity and price for ANY came as the protocol recently added two new networks to the list of supported chains, including a FomoETH bridge and Moonbeam, which was officially launched on Polkadot. Keep3rV1 is a project focused on creating a decentralized job board designed to help projects connect with external developers who can offer custom services. Data began to detect a bullish outlook for KP3R on Jan. 7 before the last price hike.

As seen in the chart above, the VORTECS™ Score for the KP3R climbed to the green zone on January 7th and rose to 80, approximately 79 hours before the price rose 79.64% over the next two days. The bullish move for KP3R comes after a teaser released by the project stating that KP3R will soon have cross-chain functionality across Ethereum (ETH), Fantom (FTM) and second-layer Optimism.

WEMIX listings on Upbit

WEMIX is a global blockchain gaming platform developed by Wemade Tree, designed specifically for gaming DApps and featuring a marketplace for digital assets and non-changeable tokens (NFTs). The data shows that after dropping to $3.96 on January 10, 24-hour trading volume rose to $1.2 billion, while the price of WEMIX rallied 106% to $8.16 on January 12. The surge in interest and trading volume for WEMIX came after it was listed on the popular Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit on January 10. The overall cryptocurrency market cap is currently $2,073 trillion and Bitcoin’s dominance rate is 39.8%.

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