Bitcoin Announcement from the US Treasury Department!

In March 2022, US President Joe Biden to cryptocurrencies executive order was issued.

These orders are submitted to regulatory agencies in the United States. risks and potential benefits of crypto assets He was tasked with conducting a research on the subject and reporting to the White House.

As a requirement of Biden’s order, institutions that accelerated their research on crypto assets began to collect comments from the public.

Final statement on this US Department of the TreasuryIt came from

In an announcement made today, the Ministry used the following statements while requesting public comment on the risks and benefits of crypto assets:

“Through this request for comment, the Treasury is soliciting comment from the public as it carries out its mandate under section 5(b)(i) of Biden’s order.

This request for comment provides an opportunity for all interested parties to provide data and advice on the impact of digital assets and developments and adoption of digital assets and financial market and payment infrastructures for US consumers, investors and businesses.”

Nellie Liang, Under-Secretary of Internal Finance at the Treasury Department He said the following on the subject:

“For consumers, digital assets can present potential benefits such as faster payments, as well as potential risks, including risks associated with fraud and fraud.

As we conduct this important work, the Treasury Department seeks to leverage the expertise of the American public and market participants by soliciting public comments.”

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