Bitcoin and ETH at These Levels in June-July!

Abra’s CEO predicted that the Ethereum price could reach $40,000. He is more optimistic about Ethereum than Bitcoin (BTC). In this regard, the administrator pointed to the plethora of use cases for ETH. He also explained what levels the two cryptocurrencies could be at in the summer. Here are the details…

Abra CEO is quite optimistic about Ethereum

Bill Barhydt, CEO of crypto trading platform Abra, shared his thoughts on why Ethereum is more bullish than Bitcoin in an interview with CNBC. He also predicts that the price of Ethereum (ETH) could reach $40,000, experiencing a significant increase from the current price of the cryptocurrency. Barhydt draws attention to the leading altcoin, particularly decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungal tokens (NFT), and uses the following statements:

Ethereum’s network effect is based on the idea that the world can have computers. Stablecoins are used for NFTs, DeFi… and now for gaming.

The CEO hopes that with the arrival of “staking” there will be “a large influx of people trying to hold Ethereum.” He compared the network effects of Ethereum to Bitcoin and said, “In the short term, the network effects for Ethereum are more bullish for me due to the use cases that are just starting to emerge.” “If gas fees and transaction fees drop, watch out because all barriers to these network effects will be removed,” he added.

What are the Bitcoin and Ethereum forecasts?

The manager said, “In the month of June or July, [ETH 2.0 yükseltmesinin] after it happens – whenever the move to proof-of-stake happens – there might be some selling after this news,” he warned investors. Still, Barhydt mentioned that there could be “potential $30,000 – $40,000 Ethereum.” He implied that the cryptocurrency is “deflationary and use-case rich.”

Today is Decision Day: Bitcoin, ETH and These Altcoins Can Be Banned!

Abra CEO stated that he believes that $250,000 can be seen in Bitcoin in the long run, following his prediction of $30,000-40,000 in ETH. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is changing hands at $39,086, up 0.4%, and Ethereum at $2,592, up 0.3%. As we have also reported, investors are waiting for the Fed’s statements this week.

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