Binance’s “FOOTBALL” Token Released: Over $1,500

The new “FOOTBALL” token named “Binance Football Fan Token” index of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has been launched.

Binance announced on August 31, TSI at 06:00 announced the launch of its new token. 25xThe crypto money, which is offered with a leverage option of up to .

According to data from Binance, 1,050 FOOTBALL, which opened from dollar levels, 1,550 after rising to dollar levels for $1,100 until declined.

This token, which has been released, is Binance’s own fan tokens. SANTOS/USDT, PORTO/USDT, LAZIO/USDT and so on in total 10 different fan tokens calculated with a formula using weighted averages of real-time prices, and thus present to investors is intended.

Fan tokens that rose yesterday with Binance’s share are today between 5% and 10% experienced a decline. For this reason, it is estimated that the newly issued trading pair also experienced a decline after its rise. FOOTBALL, which is completely index-oriented, It is 25x leveraged involves a lot of risk.

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