Binance Will Eventually List This Altcoin!

Selcoin, one of the crypto money analysts in Turkey and by about 575,000 people, said in a recent tweet that he thinks Bloktopia will be listed by Binance. Here are the details…

According to Selcoin, Binance will eventually list Bloktopia

Selcoin, the widely followed crypto analyst and author of the book “Bitcoin is the Key to the Golden Gate,” cited a promising screenshot that Binance might list Bloktopia, saying that the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume will eventually list Bloktopia.

So, what is Bloktopia (BLOK) that is predicted to be listed? Bloktopia is a 21-level skyscraper to recognize 21 million Bitcoins. Token holders are known as “Blocktopians”. It acts as a hub and welcomes all levels of crypto experience. Bloktopians; real estate ownership, advertising revenue, gaming, networking and much more. Bloktopia, a VR metaverse that has been suffering from the metaverse craze we’ve been reporting as, is based on an NFT-based economy. The BLOK token is changing hands at $0.0821, up 0.39 at the time of writing. The current market value of the coin, which has increased by 78.8 percent in the last 14 days and 561.1 percent in the last 30 days, is around $ 82,603,158.

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