Binance May Pump Altcoins On This Date!

Crypto expert Ivan Lijeqvist says Binance will trigger a pump in the altcoin market this July. According to the expert, Binance Launchpad will create excitement and trigger a price spike among several altcoins. ARKM is one of the few projects to be released on Binance Launchpad during this period.

Crypto expert: Binance will pump these altcoins in July!

According to blockchain and cryptocurrency expert Ivan Lijeqvist, Binance will make moves this July that will trigger a pump in the altcoin market. In a video recently uploaded to YouTube, Lijeqvist discusses the moves that will trigger the altcoin pump. The expert mentions the newly launched ARKM token sale on Binance Launchpad as one of them.

According to Lijeqvist, looking at the top cryptocurrencies on CoinmarketCap, there is relatively insignificant movement in the transaction price, except for BNB, which has appreciated by about 6%. The rise of BNB followed the Binance announcement regarding the launch of the ARKM token sale. Lijeqvist emphasizes that the return of Binance Launchpad will create significant excitement that will trigger price increases in many altcoins. According to him, the altcoin market only needs some new projects to perform well. He also states that this is the usual pattern that precedes a bull run. In this context, Lijeqvist says:

You can’t start a bull market without starting a few projects, performing extremely well, and making your investors rich.

What does it take to trigger altcoin season?

In his analysis, Lijeqvist cites the DeFi summer of 2020, when Compound (COMP) performed impressively to trigger an altcoin season. According to him, the excitement of launching new projects is a prerequisite for the start of the altcoin season. Accordingly, this is exactly what Binance has done. Lijeqvist also notes that new projects triggering the altcoin season don’t have to be big. They just need to trigger other launches and generate the necessary entropy that the industry needs for the market to rise.

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, ARKM crypto has been criticized on Twitter. However, Lijeqvist argues that this is not so important in the overall scheme. According to him, the most important factor remains the trigger effect that the launch will bring. It claims to play an important role by publishing multiple projects on Binance’s Launchpad.

At press time, the crypto market is in a recession. Although the leading crypto Bitcoin (BTC) manages to stay above $ 30 thousand, it cannot gain upward momentum. Most altcoin projects perform similarly. It is unclear whether we will see the pump that Lijeqvist predicted. We’ll have to wait and see what we find in this fog.

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