Binance Made Important Announcements For These 15 Altcoins!

Binance, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, came to the fore with its various announcements. The stock market has made new additions to the automatic investment feature. It also introduced new Dual Investments products. Here are the details…

Added five altcoins to auto-invest feature

It is pleased to announce that it has added several new assets to the Auto Investment feature. Users can now use Auto-Invest plans to make dollar-cost averaging (DCA) to MAV, PENDLE, WBETH, COMBO, and IQ. This development allows investors to automate their crypto investments while earning passive income. With Auto-Invest, users have the flexibility to choose their preferred payment option, including USDT, BTC or other methods supported on the Binance platform.

To create an Auto Trade plan, users can follow a few simple steps. They need to open the Binance App, go to “More” and then “Earn” and select “Auto-Invest”. Alternatively, users can access Auto Trading via the Binance website. From here they can select the assets they want, payment options, set the amount and recurring cycle and confirm to create their plan. It is important to have sufficient funds in Spot Wallet or Simple Earn Flexible Products to ensure successful purchases.

The dollar-cost averaging strategy of automated trading allows users to spread their investments over time, reducing the impact of short-term market fluctuations. This investment approach has gained popularity among crypto enthusiasts looking for a more systematic and disciplined investment strategy.

Dual Investment products introduced

In addition to auto trading, Binance has also introduced a new batch of Binary Trading products. These products offer users the opportunity to apply a “Sell High” or “Buy Low” strategy with updated target prices and settlement dates. Subscriptions for Binary Investment products are offered on a first come, first served basis. In “Sell High” products, users can earn high rewards in cryptocurrencies or sell their deposited currency at a higher price in the future compared to the market price at the subscription date.

Supported deposits include ETH and BNB, with payout dates from July to December 2023. The choice of cryptocurrency for payment includes BTC, ETH, SOL, MATIC, ADA, BNB, DOT, BCH, AVAX, FTM, ALGO, NEAR, ATOM, XRP, DOGE or LTC. On the other hand, “Buy Low” products allow users to accumulate rewards in stablecoin holdings or purchase cryptocurrencies at a lower price in the future. Users can deposit BTC or ETH and payment dates are compatible with “High Sell” products.

Binance supports ZIL and WAVES updates

On the other hand, Binance has announced its support for upcoming network upgrades and hard forks of Zilliqa (ZIL) and Waves (WAVES). The Zilliqa network upgrade is scheduled for July 5, 2023, and the Waves network upgrade and hard fork is scheduled for approximately July 6, 2023, at a Waves block height of 3,720,000. During these upgrades, ZIL and WAVES deposits and withdrawals will be temporarily suspended. However, ZIL and WAVES trading will not be affected.

All technical requirements will be met by Binance for users who have ZIL and WAVES in their Binance accounts. Once the upgraded networks are deemed stable, Binance will reopen deposits and withdrawals for ZIL and WAVES without a separate notification.

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