Binance Made Critical Announcements For These 3 Altcoins!

Binance platforms Futures and Convert are adding support for 3 new altcoins. Details are as follows…

Binance Convert adds support for IQ

Convert is the Binance platform that offers a simpler trading experience. Here you can instantly convert crypto or fiat money at any time with zero fees, a live price based on current market conditions. In a recent announcement, Convert announced that it has added support for IQ (IQ).

According to the official announcement, “Users can now trade IQ against BTC, USDT and other tokens backed by Binance Convert for zero fees.”

Another altcoin added to Convert was Binance’s liquid staking token Wrapped Beacon ETH (WBETH). According to the official announcement, WBETH will also be able to trade with zero fees against BTC, USDT and other tokens.

Binance Futures lists new BTC/ETH contract

Binance Futures has decided to list USDⓢM-BTC/ETH futures contracts. These new futures contracts will be traded on the Binance Futures platform. The contracts will be valid for USDⓢM-BTC (Bitcoin) and USDⓢM-ETH (Ethereum) pairs. Users can take positions in these contracts as of June 25.

The latest in the SEC case In the latest developments we have reported, Binance was the party that filed the lawsuit this time. The US arm of the exchange said on June 21 that the SEC has no proof that the crypto exchange has consolidated users’ assets. Legal teams of Binance, Binance.US, and CZ alleged on June 17 that the SEC had made “misleading” comments. They also requested the financial regulator to comply with the relevant norms of behavior. According to the statement at the time:

The SEC has no evidence of any distribution, mixing, or misuse of BAM client assets. The SEC’s press release also appears to be designed to introduce unwarranted confusion that could have the effect of harming BAM customers rather than protecting them. It also risks tarnishing the jury pool with misleading descriptions of evidence pertaining to the Defendants, according to the file dated June 21.

The leading exchange has made significant advances in many markets around the world, including the US, in recent years. However, with the collapse of FTX, it was in danger of regulatory scrutiny and competition from rival exchanges. The leading exchange is taking legal action against the alleged SEC listing unregistered securities and offerings. However, Binance’s legal team categorically denied the SEC’s accusations in recent developments.

SEC chairman Gary Gensler also on target

Binence also accuses SEC chairman Gary Gensler of creating a conflict of interest. It was revealed that Gensler had requested a position as an informal advisor on the exchange before being appointed as SEC chairman.

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