Binance Is Shoveling This Altcoin! Whale Selloff? –

Whale watching bots have been warning of million-dollar Binance transactions since the weekend. With the transfer dated November 30, a total of 16 million dollars transaction was made.

Altcoin whales pour millions into Binance wallets

According to data from Etherscan, in the last 24 hours, an anonymous whale transferred a significant amount of Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens to Binance wallet in two separate transactions. A total of 1.8 trillion SHIB transfers were made in these transactions. Thus, the amount of SHIB moved to Binance since the weekend has reached 2.3 trillion.

Another notable transaction was the 499 billion SHIB transfer moved between Binance wallets. These transfers are most likely made as part of a proof-of-reservation audit. To remember, the stock market was on the agenda with 127 thousand Bitcoin transfers before. After this transaction, which was on the agenda on social media, CEO CZ said that the transactions are part of proof of reserve (PoR) audits.

Binance loses biggest SHIB entry since February

Data from Dune Analytics shows that 1.8 trillion Shiba, again flowing into Binance wallets, belong to The leading exchange thus lost its biggest SHIB entry since February. The massive transfer has fueled speculation over the possibility of a sell-off among investors. Glassnode data says the panic-inducing flow of funds exceeded $16 million. What’s interesting is that transactions come from a default address belonging to According to the data, processed two transactions, each carrying 900 billion SHIB.

It was not delayed in speculation due to the loaded SHIB transactions. On-chain researcher Lookonchain told the transfers, “So he’s going to sell some of SHIB now? he pointed out.

Another Twitter user said that he had to sell at a loss due to significant listings on Binance. cryptocoin.comAs you follow, SHIB is moving sideways, contrary to expectations. announced that it is holding a large amount of SHIB

The central exchange shared earlier this month that it holds $558 million worth of SHIB as part of its proof of reserve. This amount represents 20% of its total reserve. The exchange holds about 5 trillion SHIB in reserve. But data from Dune Analytics shows that’s SHIB reserves are currently down to 14%. The exchange has not yet made a statement about it.

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