Binance Investigation Is On The Top Again – Is A Litigation Coming?

According to Reuters, the US Department of Justice continues to accuse crypto exchange Binance for possible money laundering and criminal sanctions violations.

According to the report, top executives of the exchange are also being investigated, including CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ). The report cited four people familiar with the matter, saying that disagreements between prosecutors precluded any possible outcome of the investigation. In other words, while some of the prosecutors think that there is enough evidence to open a case, some prosecutors do not agree with this idea. Prosecutors in the second group want to spend more time reviewing the evidence.

The investigation has been ongoing since 2018. According to Reuters sources, Binance’s law firm Gibson Dunn has held meetings with Justice Department officials in recent months, arguing that a possible lawsuit would put even more pressure on the already stressed crypto market.

The native token of the Binance exchange reacted to these developments, and the BNB price fell from $284 to $272.

Binance exchange made a statement regarding the Reuters news that made the headlines. made on twitter in the statement The following expressions were used:

“Reuters got it wrong again! Now they are attacking our legal team, which has accomplished great things. This team we are proud of has made the crypto industry safer for all of us.”

You can follow the current price action here.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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