Binance CEO Not DOGE: He Mentioned Meme Coin!

Binance CEO talked about two different meme coins today. The first was Pepe Coin’s statements about the listing during a Twitter meeting. Later in the day, he mentioned its biggest competitor instead of Dogecoin (DOGE).

Binance CEO gave this coin as an example while talking about exchange listings

CZ answered questions today at an AMA event hosted by Binance on Twitter. One of the highlights of the meeting was on Binance’s listing policy. As we have reported, CZ gave the green light to Pepe Coin at this point.

Later in the event, during his statements on Binance’s listing policy, he named another meme coin instead of DOGE. This causes great excitement among the community.

During the AMA, Binance CEO briefly shared his thoughts on meme coins. This is where he mentioned the Shiba Inu. CZ admits he doesn’t understand meme coins at all. However, he adds that some, such as Elon Musk, follow these coins closely.

CZ was then asked about the possibility of Pepe Coin being listed on Binance, which has recently surpassed SHIB’s trading volume. CZ stated that he was not a decision maker at the listing stage, and that there was a special team for this. According to the Binance CEO, the leading exchange pays particular attention to the number of users, volume and demand.

What Binance CEO has to say about the Shiba Inu

Zhao touched on the issue of listing SHIB while talking about meme coins. CZ says Binance’s listing team made the decision by looking at project metrics. The leading exchange does not consider meme-themed coins negatively, but a coin needs to have a large user base and trading volume.

SHIB has been featured on most major exchanges to date due to its high trading volume. However, CZ says the listing process can take time, and they monitor how project metrics change over time. He also noted that SHIB’s competitor, FLOKI Inu, is listed on many exchanges and has a rapidly growing community.

Shiba Inu hits milestone in CZ’s ‘user count’ benchmark

SHIB set a new record during CZ’s recent statements highlighting its user base and trading volume for listing on Binance. The second largest meme coin is seriously expanding its Twitter community. Today, Shiba’s official Twitter account has reached more than 3.7 million followers.

In terms of price, SHIB has been moving along with DOGE and other meme coins lately. Both have been performing similarly since last year. However, the number of followers on Twitter continues to increase similarly. As of late May 2022, both coins had 3.4 million followers. Currently, both have 3.7 million followers which means they gained 400,000 followers last year.

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