Binance CEO CZ: “Binance” Has The Largest Cash Reserve Right Now

CZ, CEO of Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, made important statements about current issues in the cryptocurrency market.

CZ, 1 July on bankless Referring to the agreement between FTX and BlockFi, he said that many of the deals in the news were offered to them first, and that Binance is currently the crypto company with the largest cash reserves.

Most of the deals you see in the news usually come to us first. I’m pretty sure we have the largest cash reserves right now.

Mentioning that the recent liquidity crisis has led to more deals being made in the US region, CZ said that the US arm of FTX is compared to Binance. helping more local companies He said he could focus.

There is no them or us, we are on the same side. We must all do our best.

CZthinks it’s important to bail out ailing crypto companies, but that not all projects are worth saving expressed.

We don’t want to save mismanaged companies. We just want to help many of the companies that are struggling with a little liquidity to get through this cycle. We are currently negotiating with more than 50 companies.

Binance’s survival in bear markets to date, understand the cyclical nature of markets and have large cash reserves associated with CZcurrent bear market recruiting new talent and consolidate the market for an opportunity aims to use.

We want to reach around 8,000 people by the end of the year. I want to retire sooner or later. I’ve been Binance CEO for five years, and I don’t think a CEO should hold the title for more than ten years.

Binance is currently half engineering over to be customer support, marketing and compatibility for positions More than 2,000 job postings exists.

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