Binance Announces Token Sale of New Launchpad Project: Last Project Made 5x!

The world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, has announced its new project, which it has included in the Launchpad program after an 8-month hiatus. Hooked Protocol (HOOK) is the 29th token to be offered for sale on Launchpad.

Binance announced on its official website on November 23 that the Launchpad program 29th project aspect Hooked Protocol (HOOK) declared elected. stock market, investors seven-day period He said that after recording their BNB balances for the duration, the average daily BNB balances of the users will determine the maximum amount of BNB they can commit at the end of the period. Launchpad records 1st of December on 09.00 – 12.00 hours The stock market, which states that it will open between at 13.00 CEST said it will begin.

The supply price of the HOOK according to the given information $0.1 maximum purchase per investor 150,000 HOOKS limited to. in total 500 million the token in supply only 25 million pieces Dedicated for Launchpad sale.

Binance’s native token, according to Coinecko data BNB immediately after the announcement 274 from dollars 297 up to the dollar to 9% experienced an increase in value.

It was last included in the Launchpad program in March. project 28 AC Milan Token (ACM), The pre-sale price on the first day of listing on the stock exchange after being offered to the public. 4.87 dollarfrom to 422% experiencing an increase in value $25.46had risen to .

Binancewith the Launchpad program allowing new projects to sell tokens before they are listed on the exchange. by allowing fund raising provides.

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