Binance Announces Those Altcoins: It Will Support These 5!

The cryptocurrency world continues to grow with innovations and developments every day. One of these developments is that Binance exchange announced new coins and marketplace in the Web3 wallet. This move opens a new horizon in the cryptocurrency world by offering new investment opportunities to cryptocurrency users and facilitating access to Web3. Here are the details…

Binance made a new statement

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, created excitement in the cryptocurrency world by announcing new coins and marketplace in its Web3 wallet. This development will allow users to access more coins and capture new investment opportunities. According to the statement made by Binance, a marketplace for inscriptions on the Bitcoin network will be established in the exchange’s Web3 wallet and ERC-404 tokens will be supported.

Inscriptions are crypto assets that are permanently recorded on the Bitcoin Blockchain and can be used similarly to NFTs. ERC-404 tokens represent a mixture of ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards, which is still an experimental standard on the Ethereum network. These tokens can be used to represent both fungible and non-fungible assets.

Which projects are supported?

Thanks to recent updates to the Binance Web3 Wallet, Manta, ZetaChain, ZKFair, Metis and Scroll projects have also begun to be supported. These projects are in the market to increase users’ privacy and security and reduce transaction fees. Moreover As we reported, it offers various advantages such as faster transactions.

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What is the purpose of ‘Inscription Marketplace’?

On the other hand, the inscription marketplace established by Binance Web3 Wallet attracted attention. This platform provides a platform for buying and selling BRC-20 and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compliant tokens. This platform will allow users to access a wide range of coins, including inscriptions and ERC-404 tokens.

Binance Invested in This Project with Airdrop Potential!

This move by Binance is an important development in terms of encouraging greater adoption in the cryptocurrency world and making it easier for users to access Web3. The addition of new coins and marketplace will make Binance Web3 Wallet an even more attractive option for cryptocurrency users.

The addition of new coins and marketplace to the Binance Web3 Wallet is a significant development in the cryptocurrency world. This development may contribute to increased use of cryptocurrency and easier access to Web3. This development, which offers users more investment opportunities, may also increase competition between cryptocurrency exchanges.

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Binance Announces Those Altcoins: It Will Support These 5!

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