Binance Announces These 17 Altcoins: Delist Available! –

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of daily trading volume, made various announcements. According to the statements made just a few hours ago, there are new listing and delist news in some investment products. Here are the details…

Binance will delist five altcoins from margin trading

Binance Margin will remove CHESS, CVP, MDT, RARE, and VOXEL from its list of loanable assets as of 6 December 2022. In addition, as of December 19, 2022, 6 CET, the stock market will offer CHESS/BTC, CHESS/BUSD, CHESS/USDT, CVP/BUSD, CVP/USDT, MDT/BTC, MDT/USDT, RARE/BUSD, RARE/USDT, VOXEL/BUSD and It will suspend VOXEL/USDT pairs for cross-margin. So the cross margin pairs to be affected are as follows:


On December 29, 2022, at 6 CEST, Binance will close user positions on CHESS/BTC, CHESS/BUSD, CHESS/USDT, CVP/BUSD, CVP/USDT. It will make automatic payment and cancel all pending orders. Then, MDT/BTC, MDT/USDT, RARE/BUSD, RARE/USDT, VOXEL/BUSD and VOXEL/USDT pairs will be delisted. The exchange advises them to close their positions before margin trading expires to avoid any potential losses. In addition, users using portfolio margin need to transfer these tokens from their margin wallets to their spot wallets.

New process started for Dual Investments

On the other hand, the exchange is launching its new series for Dual Investments products. The exchange has started the new process where users will use “Sell High” or “Buy Low” products. It is launching a new line of Dual Investment products with up-to-date target prices and contract dates. Subscriptions started at noon yesterday. The subscription format is on a “first come, first served” basis.

Consulting Giant: This Is The Best Cryptocurrency To Buy In December! As we have also reported, Dual Investment provides access to Buy Low and Sell High products at the price you choose on the date you choose in the future, without paying any fees. The products included in the contract period between 20 December 2022 and 6 January 2023 are as follows:

  • Sell ​​High: BTC, ETH, SOL, MATIC, ADA, BNB, DOT, BCH, AVAX, FTM, ALGO, NEAR, ATOM, XRP (sold for BUSD).
  • Buy Low: BTC, ETH, SOL, MATIC, ADA, BNB, DOT, BCH, AVAX, FTM, ALGO, NEAR, ATOM, XRP (received in exchange for BUSD and USDT).

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