Binance Announces For These 4 Altcoins: They Are Delisting! –

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange with daily trading volume, recently made a delist announcement. In addition, the exchange announced that it will support the update of a popular altcoin. Here are the details…

Binance is delisting these altcoin pairs As we have also reported, Binance, the largest Bitcoin and altcoin exchange, announced that it will remove the following spot trading pairs and stop trading as of March 16, 2023, 06:00 Turkey time:

  • ApeCoin (APE) / Brazilian Real (BRL)
  • Manchester City Fan Token (CITY) / BNB Coin (BNB),
  • Ontology (ONT) / Ethereum (ETH),
  • Prom (PROM) / BNB Coin (BNB)

Users can continue to trade the above assets on other trading pairs available on Binance. Binance will terminate strategy trading services for these spot trading pairs as of March 16, 2023, where applicable. Users are strongly advised to update and/or cancel their trading strategies prior to the expiration of strategy trading services to avoid any potential losses.

Exchange supports Cosmos update

On the other hand, the exchange announced that it will support the Cosmos (ATOM) network update. The Cosmos (ATOM) network upgrade will occur at Cosmos block height 14,470.501, approximately on March 15, 2023, at 10:55 AM. Deposits and withdrawals from ATOM will be suspended approximately from March 15, 2023, 09:55 Turkey time. According to the exchange, ATOM trading will not be affected during the network upgrade.

30x Move for Controversial Altcoin from Binance!

Although the Cosmos (ATOM) network upgrade will occur at block height 14,470.501 Cosmos, the estimated time is given for users’ reference only. So there is no certainty about the update time. Binance also emphasized that it will fulfill all relevant technical requirements for all users who have ATOM in their accounts. The exchange will reopen deposits and withdrawals for ATOM once it considers the upgraded network stable. It won’t make any further announcements for it.

Details on Cosmos’ V9 Lambda update

Cosmos is implementing the V9 Lambda update with the 187th proposal being accepted by the majority. Cosmos Hub is upgrading its security system with a new feature called Replicated Security. This will allow Cosmos Hub to provide its strong security to other Blockchains called “consumer chains”. The cost of censoring or controlling a consumer chain with an economic attack is the same as the cost of censoring or controlling the Cosmos Hub itself. This means that consumer chains can benefit from the security of Cosmos Hub without having to maintain their own set of validators. Replicated Security is carried via the IBC protocol.

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