Billium Launches Copy Trading Platform

Billium, a Dubai-based cryptocurrency exchange, launched its new platform. The peculiarity of this exchange is that it focuses on copy trading. Here are the details…

Billium stands out with its copy trade

Cryptocurrency platform Billium has launched its trading platform for copy trading. Copy trading allows traders on the exchange to automatically copy positions opened and managed by other selected individuals. This function allows users to follow the trades of experienced and successful traders. It is worth noting that this is extra useful, especially for investors who are new to the crypto space. An inexperienced or new trader with copy trading may want to make huge returns quickly.

But copy trading comes to the fore when the user does not have the appropriate resources, time and patience to make a profit. New traders will have free access to the strategies, records and history of experienced traders on Billium and will be able to copy their trades as their own. Copy trading can enable new entrants to advance quickly in the cryptocurrency space. Professional traders who share their trading strategy can earn additional income. So, Billium’s copy trading option makes all users win.

Brief information about the platform

Billium is licensed by Dubai market regulators. Therefore, traders and investors are safe in terms of regulation. In addition, the platform operates with a high level of customer service oriented privacy. Therefore, Billium users do not have to worry about legal scrutiny and seizure of their assets. Users of the Billium cryptocurrency exchange can take advantage of the liquidity aggregator. This function collects data from other crypto exchanges. It uses the information to make the trades that will yield the highest returns without the risk of “slippage”.

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The exchange also attaches great importance to the security of its users. For example, when the platform detects a suspicious transaction, it sends it back to the sender. Billium also offers a wide variety of useful features and services. For example, the platform uses advanced algorithms as well as a liquidity aggregator along with reliable trading tools, security measures and advanced API. Apart from this, spot and margin trading products also draw attention. The platform has a user-friendly UI, effective trading strategies, operational and bot assistant support, money-back guarantee and more.

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