Bilkom’s First PlayStation 5s Are Available for Sale

Bilkom, PlayStation’s new distributor in Turkey, launched its first PlayStation 5 Slims for sale. Here are the prices…

In a news we shared with you last week, we stated that Sony’s new Turkish distributor for PlayStation 5, which suspended its operations in Turkey, was Bilkom. As of now, the first product brought by Bilkom PlayStation 5 models are in stock on online e-commerce sites. However, with a small increase…

In stock at one of Turkey’s popular technology stores PlayStation 5 SlimWhen we look at the sales price of , we see that the digital version has a price tag of 32,299 TL and the disc version has a price tag of 32,499 TL. The digital version of the standard PlayStation 5, which is currently on sale, has a price tag of 31,299 TL.

The current prices of PlayStation 5 Slim are as follows:

It seems that Bilkom has added a small inflation difference when offering PlayStation 5 Slims for sale. Because when we look at the screenshot of PlayStation 5 Slim from the Internet Archive dated December 31, 2023 on the same website, we see that the prices 30.999 TL And 31.499 TL We see that it is listed as .

The prices of PlayStation 5 on December 31, 2023 were as follows:

PlayStation 5, which was put on sale during the COVID-19 pandemic, was a product that had stock shortages for a long time due to production and shipping problems. Sony’s suspension of its operations in Turkey brought about a stock problem, although not at the same level. Bilkom’s distributorship, PlayStation 5 permanently removed from the black market can provide.

By the way, if you want to watch our PlayStation 5 Slim review, we leave our video as follows:

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